TV TUnes [9-10AM]

Ever wonder what the music of our favorite shows say about those shows? TV Tunes has got the answer (maybe!?)

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death, sex, & music [10-11am]

Let's cry. Let's sing. Let's talk.

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16 bit radio [11-12pm]

It’s all about video games. You know you wanna tune in.

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Eclectic Ladyland [12-1pm]

An inclusive space where a plethora of voices and musical tastes can come to explore the history behind known classics and new gems.


andrew! [1-2pm]

3 friends, 2 Andrews, 1 hour.

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Radio 54 [2-3pm]

Radio 54 is a throwback to the era of glitzy, glittery dance floors filled with people trying to dance their troubles away, Saturday afternoon fever.

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the dr. kingsley quail show [3-4pm]

The advice is free, but you get what you paid for.


Agúzate [4-5pm]

Music is the universal language of the soul and in "Agúzate" we're here to prove it. Even if you don't speak a single word of Spanish, let these rhythms take you.


staff pixx [5-7pm]

Check out Music Staff’s favorite picks of the week!

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fake radio [7-8pm]

A fun show that gives listeners a creative playlist, with some random, goofy humor as well.

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frankenfilm [8-9pm]

Two students attempt to combine every movie they see into the Frakenfilm.

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the pastel station [9-11pm]

Welcome to The Pastel Station, the number one station for stress relief.