Do you want roll? That’s the name of the new album Your other pretty with whom, despite being a group that is difficult to pigeonhole, it seems that they are beginning to feel understood by the public. Conceptual album that focuses on the different forms that love has and that features the collaborations of Baby and Shinova.
Pop songs with fusion with other styles that make us dance and look at life in a positive way. It would not be unreasonable to think that it could have been a good proposal for Benidorm Festival.
“The other day they asked us what would happen if they proposed to us to go to this Benidorm Fest. Eurovision a little lazy, because of this romantic idea that we have of music that is not so much a show but rather taking care of musicians who are even established. But if you are going to present a song of yours and They tell me that tomorrow I have the opportunity to Colored bluepresent it to four million viewers, I wouldn’t hesitate“, acknowledges its vocalist Hector Lacosta.
I understand it as a showcase to show your proposal: “In the end it’s my song that I will have the possibility of exposing it to so many people. Something done with the heart and with this criterion. “It is a blessing.”
Your partner, Alberto Vallecillo, seems a little more reluctant, although he does not rule it out either. “It costs me a lot, but it is true that in the end it is your song and If there is no hand that changes your song”, he admits.
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As for the song that won this year, Bitchof Nebulaand that will represent us in the next edition of Eurovision in Malmö, Alberto explains that he thinks it is “a powerful song and I think it has many possibilities.”
“I think it’s great that he won and anyone who doesn’t understand it, it perfectly reflects how old we are because it is a great message that he sends,” adds Héctor.

“For me, as a user who put it in the car, it made me smile. And that thing about a woman alone going out to party… I’m telling you and you can’t imagine how many people think that. I think it’s good that someone puts it on the table and if it causes people to talk, it’s for a reason.“, Add. And his album also vindicates that idea a little.