OT 2023 It comes back renewed, but as always. The essence remains intact, although the contest has also wanted to introduce some changes to expand the brand and also have new faces among its team of presenters. While Chenoa takes care of the galas, Xuso Jones and Masi They are in charge of two other very important spaces this season: OT per day and the post-galas on Mondays. At WECB we interview singers and influencers about this new challenge that they consider the most important of their careers.
Tinet Rubira’s call
Xuso: “I always remember calls for projects as beautiful as Triumph operation. I will remember all my life that it was on the Podcast Waves. I will always remember Tinet’s call. It was a gift. I told him yes and he asked me if he didn’t want to think about it. And I told him: ‘Tinet, no. To the brave ones, let’s go with everything’”.
Masi: “I was on a paradise beach with my boyfriend in August and I received a message from Triumph operation to Instagram. We had a video call, we met, and I couldn’t stop thinking, ‘What’s going on?’ Nothing worse than this can happen to me. For me Triumph operation it’s a barbarity”.
Xuso Jones, Chenoa and Masi, presenters of ‘OT 2023’ / ALBERTO ESPADA
The ships
Masi: “I don’t like shipping. What happens becomes very intense and when the kids go out they say: ‘Why have people invented my love life?’ My relationship is public and I know what it’s like to be exposed and that people idealize your relationship… I’m not going to be one of those who feed the shippers”.
Social networks
Xuso: “I have learned to give value to the opinions that need to be given value. If Mari Carmen from Alicante doesn’t like me…respectable. Why are you going to give a value to Mari Carmen… Where is she? Who is she? “.
Masi: “If we focus on opinions of people who don’t know us or the contestants…You can not live like this. You have to focus on yourself, on your environment and on being honest with yourself.. To err is human.”

The music industry
Masi: “There is a gap that needs to be filled. When many editions are made in a row there is a kind of saturation and you cannot be attentive to all the contestants that have come out. Now, however, there has been a time of rest and this edition comes at a good time”.
Xuso: “It has been democratized that you, from your home, can raise a topic, look at Iñigo Quintero. Now there is more space than ever and with the bump it gives you Triumph operation…it is a unique opportunity for 16.”
If you want to see the full interview with Xuso Jones and Masi on WECB…hit play!