Why doesn’t Taylor Swift release singles anymore? This is how this strategy influences the theories of its fans

Music news

Since Taylor Swift public folklore In 2020, not only did it change the lives of many people who began to identify as swifties, but it also changed, in a way, the paradigm of music as we used to know it.

The “normal” thing has always been that our favorite singers give us two or three singles progressively before releasing the entire album. In this way, the singers they generate expectations little by little and they make us wonder what the project in which these are included will sound. After a few months knowing only a couple of songs, the album, the tour and even a subsequent single would arrive.

The last time Taylor Swift did this was with her era lovers and simple as I! either You Need To Calm Down, which we can hear within that album and which, unfortunately, was not completely liked by its audience. After this came events that completely changed the American’s career.

The year Taylor Swift experienced a 180-degree turn

The pandemic caused by COVID-19, which forced us to cancel concerts and stay locked up at home (something that was great for Taylor to write songs), the premiere of the documentary Miss Americanawith which many people connected with the artist’s confessions and the fight for the rights to his musical works were the canonical events that he had to face.

As we said before, the first project he published after all this was folklore, an album that was not presented by any single, but rather the 16 songs arrived suddenly and almost without warning. From this moment Taylor Swift changed the way she released her musicboth the re-recordings of his previous works and those that were presented as unreleased.

Now they are not single songs that preview Taylor Swift’s new albums, now they are a handful of clues that only the CIA or an experienced swiftie could recognize. American fans have become experts in the smallest details, from which they can come up with what a priori are the craziest theories, but which end up becoming reality… that’s why they themselves say that they are crazy, everything. It’s Taylor’s fault.

Who else besides Taylor Swift could do this?

You have reached a point where you no longer need to follow the paradigm you had practiced until now. folklore. A single is usually released to attract the public and create that desire and expectation of discovering a complete album, but Taylor has already managed to skip that entire process and do whatever he wants. Whatever you put on the market, they are going to buy it anyway. That’s the power of Taylor Swift.

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This is not new in the streaming era. She has not invented anything, but perhaps she is a pioneer in doing so in the world of music. In the audiovisual universe we have seen this with the arrival of platforms such as Netflix or Prime Video, in which most series are no longer published chapter by chapter, but instead leave you with an entire season that you devour in a single afternoon.

This is risky, but it has also become a hallmark that characterizes the artist’s career and that few others could do like her. It must be admitted that, whether you like it more or you like it less, the power that Taylor Swift has is unmatched. His fans buy everything blind and, even so, they end up winning, because this artist no longer knows how to disappoint her followers.


Written by

Christopher Johnson

Christopher Johnson is a dedicated writer and key contributor to the WECB website, Emerson College's student-run radio station. Passionate about music, radio communication, and journalism, Christopher pursues his craft with a blend of meticulous research and creative flair. His writings on the site cover an array of subjects, from music reviews and artist interviews to event updates and industry news. As an active member of the Emerson College community, Christopher is not only a writer but also an advocate for student involvement, using his work to foster increased engagement and enthusiasm within the school's radio and broadcasting culture. Through his consistent and high-quality outputs, Christopher Johnson helps shape the voice and identity of WECB, truly embodying its motto of being an inclusive, diverse, and enthusiastic music community.