“We are like a roll of thread that unties itself, that comes off. A cord that is untied to discover the day with awake eyes. We are born and learn to be children of time, just as snails learn to be from the shores.”. This is how the video begins 313of Resident. It is the voice of Penelope Cruz the one who is reciting this ode to time, or rather, to the passage of time.
“We learned to run alongside the seconds that are endless because they will continue to be there when we are not there. Nothing stops, not even the firmness of a giant stone stops because the world in which it lives moves around it. And if the world moves, we all move. That’s why we have to die, so that others can be born, so that nothing stops.. So that everything always begins. But everything that begins, at some point, ceases to exist,” she continued.
A reflection that leads us to capture a clear message: “That’s why we have to live without missing anything. Sleepless, without blinking. Just as the windows open to welcome the sun until our hearts explode, until they have to take us out of the party, until we forget that things are ending. So that it never be forever. So that we may be infinite.”
And the passage of time and death have a lot to do with Residente’s new song, the one that tells us an album that will be released this Friday, February 22 and that will be his first in six years.
The video clip
And the video clip for this song is very personal. Valentinaa violinist friend of Residente died and it led him to think about his existence.
“The topic has already come up “313”, the number that appeared to me everywhere for a whole year became a song. I directed this audio visual with my soul, guided by Valentina, and I was lucky enough to work with a team that put all their spirit into it. There are many people to thank,” the author shared on networks.
First of all, he wanted to thank the artist who accompanies him on the song, Silvia Perez Cruz to whom he thanks “your voice full of light that embraces our spirit.”
Of course, he also wanted to remember one of our most international actresses, Penelope Cruz: “To Penelope for your talent, your time and because since Ham Ham, Belle Epoque and Open your eyes “Everyone on the planet is in love with you.”
“To Leo for accompanying me throughout the musical process. “You are a genius,” he continued. And she didn’t let herself Naomi Gasparini And let’s not forget that Valentina was a violinist: “To Noemi for that violin solo that reaches your guts.” “Thank you René for inviting me to pay this tribute to my sister with my violin, which is also his. 🤍”, she returned.
If there is something that hypnotizes in the video clip, it is the corps de ballet with that contemporary dance choreography whose creator has also taken into account in his list of thanks: “A Juliano for choreographing with his soul each of the movements of time performed by the dancers. You’re the best. To Tati for introducing me to the best @danza_180. Without you there is no dance. Thanks for being. To all the dancers at 180 Danza for immersing themselves in the project, freezing in the cold until everything turned out well.”
And if there is one thing Residente knows how to do, it is to value his team, because each one does his part to achieve a work of art like this: “To my special photographer Pepe for having the eye, the passion and the art in each one.” of the frames. To my 1 AD Txemi for taking care of me and protecting me against the short filming time. To Caro my producer for going all in with me even though it seems crazy and impossible to do.. To Nerea for dressing us all with the best fabrics and the best cuts. To Ale for editing this with me and getting his hands on whatever, whenever. To Vero for assisting us in everything with everything. To El ranchito vfx for doing more magic than magicians.”
He also wanted to thank the National Heritage team that allowed them to film at the San Ildefonso Farm. Yes, the video was shot in Spain and not in the best possible weather, which is why he also wanted to thank “the entire production team, art, makeup, stunts, for managing to do this despite the weather conditions.”

It is clear that Residente has created a musical project, but also a visual one in which a long list of recognized actors are collaborating.