Violeta (‘OT 2023’): “Sometimes I felt like I didn’t contribute anything”

Music news

The race of Violet continues, but, starting today, it will be outside the Academy of Triumph operation. She lost the titanic duel against her with her soul friend and now she has to take a new path towards the turbulent music industry. Before, however, WECB has had the opportunity to speak with her to evaluate what happened, what she experienced and what she felt as a contestant on OT 2023.

Chiara and Violeta / Jose Irun

Triumph operation It has allowed me to get to know myself. I have faced songs that I would never have considered singing and I have discovered what I am like as an artist and as a person.”Violeta explains to WECB. “I am left with the illusion of having been part of a great program and with which I feel that I have grown and learned a lot. I started at Gala 0 in blue with crazy and I have closed with Blue Lights. I have closed the circle. Furthermore, with the two nominations I was able to value my proposal, which is the sensitivity and the type of music that I like.”

I started at Gala 0 in blue with ‘Crazy’ and I closed with ‘Blue Lights’, I came full circle


The Violeta contest has been marked by its pluses and minuses with the distribution of weekly topics. Many of the songs that were assigned to her did not suit her, but, now that she has to take stock, she is grateful for what she learned. “In my life I have not dedicated myself to song. She was a journalist and sang as a hobby. I was aware that Triumph operation It was a weekly challenge program in which they gave you all kinds of songs. Obviously there are songs that suited me perfectly and others that I had a hard time integrating, but the teachers made me see those topics from a different point of view. We all understand it, although within the bubble we are in we might want another song.”

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About that bubble that is Triumph operation We talked for a while. And, as Violeta says, somehow, she felt that she did not fit into the program when she started this adventure. “There were moments when she felt that she didn’t matter, that she didn’t contribute anything. But I am proud to go out and see that things that I have said naturally have been seen as something positive,” she explains, also speaking about that special friendship that she has with Salma and that has had such an impact outside the Academy. “When we are in there we are living life. We are not aware of the scope or what we are seeing. We relate there and we love each other very much.”

I have the feeling that what we live inside and what we live outside are opposite things.


And he adds: “I love Salma very much, as do Denna and Kiki. We are the Powerpuff Girls. I just landed and I don’t have much information, but the feeling I get is that what we live inside and what we live outside are opposite things. Salma has been one of the fundamental pillars and without her my contest would have been very different. I suppose what we see outside is different from how we experience it inside, but it is inevitable.”

If you want to see Violeta’s full interview in WECB…hit play!


Written by

Christopher Johnson

Christopher Johnson is a dedicated writer and key contributor to the WECB website, Emerson College's student-run radio station. Passionate about music, radio communication, and journalism, Christopher pursues his craft with a blend of meticulous research and creative flair. His writings on the site cover an array of subjects, from music reviews and artist interviews to event updates and industry news. As an active member of the Emerson College community, Christopher is not only a writer but also an advocate for student involvement, using his work to foster increased engagement and enthusiasm within the school's radio and broadcasting culture. Through his consistent and high-quality outputs, Christopher Johnson helps shape the voice and identity of WECB, truly embodying its motto of being an inclusive, diverse, and enthusiastic music community.