Pepper spray in the crowd: Rondodasosa and Artie 5ive event in Milan cancelled
A few days after the release of their joint album, Motivation 4 the streetz, Artie 5ive and Rondo organized an event in Piazza Gae Aulenti in Milan. The appointment, open to all, was for yesterday afternoon, but was cancelled. Everything was ready in Piazza Gae Aulenti, where a glass case was set up containing a recording studio, inside which Rondo and Artie 5ive would hold a live session in front of their fans. The square was packed, everyone was waiting for the two artists, but someone thought it best to spray pepper spray into the crowd. Result: the event was suspended for security reasons.
“Thank you all for coming to support us. We intended to bring a piece in front of you, thanks to all the true hustler fans who waited for us in the cold. We represent people like you, not like the one who came to spray pepper spray, those are stupid and poor people, living in the reality of TikTok, slaves of the Matrix, fake gangsters. This album is a motivation for young people, not for people like you”. With these words Rondo commented on the incident and condemned the boys who ruined the event by spraying pepper spray.