“The Home of the Future”, a talk to talk about the future of music with the Music Business of SAE Institute

Music news

The creative sector is going through, today more than ever, a transformation that gives rise to several questions regarding the future of the sector itself and the professionals who inhabit it.

In fact, in a current situation that is at the mercy of profound technological changes, the artistic world seems to have no other choice than to follow the wave of change that the future brings with it.

In an attempt to address these phenomena and changes, the students of the Music Business course of SAE Institute, an academy for training in creative media present in Milan for over 25 years, organized the event “The Home of the Future” at ARCA Milano, a venue that stands out for its green and sustainable profile. The event aims to discuss topics that go beyond current events and which concern primarily young people, who are undoubtedly intrigued by tomorrow and, at the same time, curious to discover the dynamics and functioning of a complex but fascinating industry .

Organizing a cultural event is not a simple thing, especially for students still in course and especially if that event is one of their curricular exams”, explains Francesco De Giorgio, Campus Manager of SAE Institute Milan. “We have always promoted the learning by doing method in our study courses: immediately putting into practice the concepts learned in real, professional contexts. The Home of the Future is a format created by the students of the Music Business course themselves and passed down from year to year, from class to class, for the Creative Studio exam. The event is dedicated to students, Alumni and the public interested in innovation and technology in the multimedia field and the objective is to organize a moment of discussion on sector trends with the most influential and interesting exponents of the Italian cultural and creative panorama. The talk involves an open and direct discussion with interaction from the public and ends with the delivery of the certificates of completion of the course of studies to the newly graduated students, who in turn were organizers of the previous year’s event. After the ceremony there will be a live performance that accompanies the welcome party for the freshmen. A unique opportunity for discussion, inspiration, learning and transversal networking for the SAE Milan community”.

During the talks, moderated by the radio speaker and host of the podcast “Fatty Furba” Margherita Devalle, Alex Trecarichi, successful producer and sound engineer, fresh from the last Sanremo Festival, will alternate on stage with Sara Olivetti, A&R Manager Columbia ( Sony Music Italy) and SAE Alumna, Nico Gulino and Marco Corbo, co-founder of Nam Studio, a new Turin-based company that combines consultancy with marketing and design to create unique and personalized strategies on social media, and Jacopo Mele, founder of the project for impact Aurora Fellows.

The event will be followed by an aperitif in the company of SAE Institute students and teachers and by an institutional moment, chaired by the Campus Manager of SAE Institute Milan Francesco De Giorgio. During his speech, De Giorgio will present the diplomas to the alumni and alumnae who have recently completed the Music Business course, so that they can be an inspiration for both those attending and for new freshmen.

The evening will conclude with a showcase by indie artist Giallo and a DJ set by SAE Institute producers Shara, DJ MV AKA Vincenzo Mazza, Midio and Sean Afful.


It is possible to register on Eventbrite, while places last, for the Talk + Showcase + DJ Set events (talks while places last) or just Showcase + DJ Set at this link:



16 February, from 5pm to 11.30pm at ARCA Milano, in via Rimini 38

5.00pm – Doors open
6.00pm – Start of talk
18:05 – In conversation with Alex Trecarichi – Producer, Sound Engineer
6.35pm – In conversation with Nico Gulino, Marco Cobo – NAM Studio
7.05pm – In conversation with Sara Olivetti – A&R Manager Columbia – Sony Music Italy
7.35pm – Presentation of Aurora Fellows with Jacopo Mele
7.45pm – Institutional Speech – Delivery of certificates
8.00pm – Start of Showcase and DJ Set
8.15pm – Shara – DJ Set
9.00pm – Crime – Showcase
9.30pm – DJ MV AKA Vincenzo Mazza – DJ Set
10.15pm – Midio – DJ Set
11pm – Sean Afful – DJ Set

ph: Photo by Dominika Poláková: https://www.pexels.com/it-it/foto/uomo-persone-ragazza-settore-18367856/


Written by

Christopher Johnson

Christopher Johnson is a dedicated writer and key contributor to the WECB website, Emerson College's student-run radio station. Passionate about music, radio communication, and journalism, Christopher pursues his craft with a blend of meticulous research and creative flair. His writings on the site cover an array of subjects, from music reviews and artist interviews to event updates and industry news. As an active member of the Emerson College community, Christopher is not only a writer but also an advocate for student involvement, using his work to foster increased engagement and enthusiasm within the school's radio and broadcasting culture. Through his consistent and high-quality outputs, Christopher Johnson helps shape the voice and identity of WECB, truly embodying its motto of being an inclusive, diverse, and enthusiastic music community.