The last album that Shawn Mendes released was in 2020. The Canadian surprised with wonder to all his followers, a pop work in which the artist took another step towards his musical maturity and experimented with new sounds. Shawn’s life has changed a lot since he released that work. The artist had to take a break from music in 2022, in the middle of his world tour, to focus on his mental health.
It seems that little by little, the young man is regaining control of his life and feels comfortable singing again. After spending New Year’s in Costa Rica, it seems that Shawn has returned home to do what he likes most: singing and composing.
This Tuesday, January 2, the artist shared a post on his Instagram account in which he appears performing some melodies on the keyboard. But the most curious thing of all and what has caught the attention of thousands of his fans is the message he has written.
Shawn Mendes’ learning over the last year
“Last year I spent a lot of time singing like this… I discovered that in moments of extreme anxiety or fear, if I sat with my harmonium and allowed myself to confidently sing whatever came out, it often relieved the pain,” he began writing.
Shawn, who is a born perfectionist, says that what was most difficult for him was letting himself go. But as time went by he realized that if he missed, every time he got it right, he felt better: “I realized that there were only moments of happiness and euphoria in the “right” notes BECAUSE there were “wrong” notes.. “The only reason I can sing in tune is because I’ve learned to listen.”
He has taken this musical metaphor to his own personal terrain, learning a beautiful lesson: “The most important lesson for me this year has been to accept and embrace the low moments in life… not having to constantly change or fix something to feel good again, because I know that if I slow down and listen when I’m bad, there is always something to listen to.
Let’s hope that the artist has gained confidence and is closer to getting on stage again. We would love for Shawn to sing live again.