Saudi Authorities Allegedly Authorized To Kill “Anyone Who Resists” The Neom Project


In a disturbing development, reports have emerged suggesting that Saudi authorities have been granted authorization to use lethal force against individuals resisting the Neom project. Neom, a futuristic mega-city planned on the Red Sea coast, has been a cornerstone of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 initiative, aiming to diversify the economy and reduce dependence on oil. However, the project’s ambitious scope has sparked controversy and opposition, leading to serious human rights concerns.

The Vision Behind Neom

Neom is envisioned as a high-tech urban area that will feature innovations in renewable energy, biotechnology, and artificial intelligence. The city is set to cover an area of 26,500 square kilometers and is being promoted as a model for future sustainable living. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has highlighted Neom as a key element of his plan to transform Saudi Arabia into a global hub for technology and innovation.

Allegations of Lethal Force

Recent allegations suggest that the Saudi government has authorized security forces to use lethal measures against those opposing the Neom development. These claims have raised alarm among international human rights organizations and activists. The alleged authorization reportedly targets individuals who refuse to vacate their homes or lands to make way for the construction of the mega-city.

During a recent conversation with a friend who closely follows Middle Eastern politics, we discussed the potential implications of such extreme measures. The use of force in this context could exacerbate tensions and lead to further instability in the region.

Impact on Local Communities

The area designated for Neom is currently home to several communities, including the Huwaitat tribe. These residents have expressed concerns about forced evictions and the loss of their ancestral lands. Reports of violent confrontations and arrests have already surfaced, highlighting the growing resistance to the project.

I recall reading about a similar situation where indigenous communities faced displacement due to a large-scale infrastructure project. The emotional and cultural impact on those communities was profound, as they struggled to preserve their way of life in the face of modernization efforts.

International Reactions

The international community has reacted with concern to the reports of potential human rights violations. Organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have called for an immediate investigation into the allegations and urged the Saudi government to ensure the protection of its citizens’ rights.

The United Nations has also been urged to intervene and hold Saudi Arabia accountable for any violations of international human rights laws. These developments underscore the delicate balance between ambitious economic projects and the ethical treatment of affected populations.

The Future of Neom

While Neom promises a vision of a futuristic and sustainable city, the methods employed to realize this vision are under intense scrutiny. The Saudi government’s approach to handling opposition could significantly impact the project’s success and the country’s international reputation.

As the world watches, it remains to be seen how the Saudi authorities will address the concerns raised and whether they will take steps to ensure that the rights and well-being of local communities are respected. The Neom project stands at a crossroads, where the path chosen could either foster innovation and progress or lead to further conflict and condemnation.


The allegations of authorized lethal force against those resisting the Neom project cast a shadow over what is supposed to be a beacon of future urban development. As Saudi Arabia strives to modernize and diversify its economy, it faces the critical challenge of balancing progress with the protection of human rights. The outcome of this situation will likely have far-reaching implications for the kingdom’s domestic and international standing.

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Written by

Sarah Jensen

Meet Sarah Jensen, a dynamic 30-year-old American web content writer, whose expertise shines in the realms of entertainment including film, TV series, technology, and logic games. Based in the creative hub of Austin, Texas, Sarah’s passion for all things entertainment and tech is matched only by her skill in conveying that enthusiasm through her writing.