Review: Jovanotti – “The human body vol. 1”


The human body is a silent temple, a perfect machine that we often ignore until it breaks. It is only when we feel pain, an alarm bell, that we realize how fragile it is, how much it is alive.

Until then, we treat it as an indestructible armor, a means of crossing the world without questions. But what happens when that armor cracks? When does life force us to look inside us, to feel every fiber, every breath, every beat?

Jovanotti knows this. He tried it on his body, on his human body.

The story of his last years comes out of this new album “The human body vol. 1”.

An open diary, a public confession that arises from a very deep personal experience. It is Lorenzo Cherubini, the man and not the singer who dances in the stadiums or on the beach.

And from there, from that darkness, he found the light. “The human body Vol.1” is a work that speaks of fragility, falls and climbing, fear and courage, uncertainties and hope. A lived disc, even before being told, put in lyric and music.

Lorenzo faces this new adventure as a protagonist who is as personal as universal, made of profound emotions and sounds capable of embracing the past and the future, putting himself naked starting from the “siren that crossed the way”.

On this journey from the dark to the sun there is all the humanity of a man-father and husband of almost sixty years who has to deal with his fragility, with fear, with the uncertain future.

To deal with the difficulties of everyday life Lorenzo uses optimism and once again confidence in the world!
It is precisely his immense faith in the good and in the goodness of the people is perhaps the aspect that most annoys its detractors.
It might seem cloying, utopian, deluded, unwary in this world that goes to the breakdown.

Jovanotti continues to believe in the good, in the goodness of people, in the possibility of a better future. Because in an era dominated by cynicism, anger, hatred and disillusionment, he still dares to be optimistic and does it with his art, his songs and with love.

And it is not just a romantic love, but a universal feeling, which embraces cultures, peoples, generations.

In songs like A world apart, great to be afraid and the great emotion, Jovanotti gives us musical poems that are destined to become classics. These are songs that speak of connection, empathy, that invisible force that binds us to each other. It is a love without if and without but, who asks for nothing in return if not to be lived.

From a musical point of view, “The human body Vol.1” is a choral work, the result of three different but complementary production approaches. Dardust, Michele Canova and Federico Nardelli have contributed to creating a sound that is at the same time classic and innovative, rooted in the Italian tradition but with the gaze turned to the world.

Dardust paints Lorenzo's songs with brush strokes of classicism and electronics, creating a contrast that is as bold as it is fascinating. Canova, on the other hand, embraces the urban world and contemporary pop and then there is Nardelli, which brings a breath of sound indie of the Jovanottian plant!

The result is a musical mosaic that ranges from the reggaeton of The leaves of you at the World Music in Celentanopassing through the Latin of Universe And the Sirtaki Rave of the final title track.

In the end, Jovanotti got up. And not only did he get up, but he returned to dance more inspired than ever. “The human body Vol.1” is a disc that shines with its own light, which radiates energy and positivity. Like or don't like it, but you can't remain indifferent.

I, personally, let myself be irradiated. I let myself be transported by this wave of optimism, from this trust in the future, from this belief that love can truly change the world.

And that's okay. Because, as Jovanotti reminds us, we are made of flesh, bones, emotions. We are human bodies. And perhaps, it is from there that we have to start again.

Score: 8.00

1. Montecristo – 7.50 vote
3. A world apart – 8.00 vote
4. Without if and without but – vote 7.50
5. My people – 7.50 vote
6. The leaves of you – 7.50 vote
7. Large to be afraid – 8.50 vote
8. In love and free – Vote 7.00
9. 101 – Vote 7.00
10. Universe – 7.50 vote
11. The chimpanzee – vote 6.75
12. The airplane – vote 7.25
13. The great emotion – vote 8.50
14. Celentano – 7.00 vote
15. The human body – 7.50 vote

To listen immediately

A world apart -Great to fear -great emotion

To skip immediately

The Jovanotti experience lives from start to finish. Or everything or nothing!



Written by

Christopher Johnson

Christopher Johnson is a dedicated writer and key contributor to the WECB website, Emerson College's student-run radio station. Passionate about music, radio communication, and journalism, Christopher pursues his craft with a blend of meticulous research and creative flair. His writings on the site cover an array of subjects, from music reviews and artist interviews to event updates and industry news. As an active member of the Emerson College community, Christopher is not only a writer but also an advocate for student involvement, using his work to foster increased engagement and enthusiasm within the school's radio and broadcasting culture. Through his consistent and high-quality outputs, Christopher Johnson helps shape the voice and identity of WECB, truly embodying its motto of being an inclusive, diverse, and enthusiastic music community.