Finally Elasi! Yes, finally! “Elasir” is everything it promises: a magical antidote, a potion that transforms everyday black and white into a fluid, colorful and luminous dance.
As soon as you listen to it, you find yourself floating in its dreamlike universe, where every note is a caress and every rhythm an invitation to let yourself go. The true magic of Elasi? His unique ability to distill a sonic alchemy that intertwines contemporary clubbing with the most ethereal pop, enriching everything with influences that smell of distant worlds.
It's not just music to dance to, it's a remedy for the soul! Imagine an SOS column with a light button: press and you are overwhelmed by a sound wave capable of sweeping away all greyness.
This album, his first full-length work, comes after a couple of EPs that gave us a glimpse of his universe. And it does so preceded by a trail of explosive singles, authentic sparks that ignited our anticipation.
The nine tracks of Elasir they are a journey into the most refined clubbing, a sensorial exploration that oscillates between aftertastes of house, deep, UK breakbeat, high-class EDM, forays into the most elegant electronics and even touches of Japanese music and bachata. A sonic palette that mixes distant flavours, fusing them into an irresistible mix.
Also lending a hand to Elasi are her trusted electronic snack friend Plastica, the visionary producer Fresco and her mentor Rocco Rampino.
Elasi is not just an artist, she is an experience. Songwriter, producer, DJ and much more, she is a creator of worlds, capable of enveloping you in her versatility and leaving you breathless. With his Elasirevery note is a drop of light.
Contraindications? I would say none… To be used as needed: to dance, to look for love, to smile, to make sadness light, to live every day!
A walk in Reykjavik at dusk in spring, a merry-go-round under a crescent moon, and a chorus of good spirits in a Miyazaki moving castle. Like AMÆMI, this track is written and produced by PLASTICA and me thinking about contemporary clubbing where we want to bring the colors of a mellotron, the lightheartedness of two little girls and the warmth of our language. Rocco Rampino, with his decades of experience in international electronics, gave the final magic to the production of the piece. It's magic making music with my closest friends.
AMÆMI is my fast-forward dream-journey among the neon lights, vending machines and arcades of Shibuya together with my friend PLASTICA, with whom I wrote this track. We have fun writing pieces that we will play in our DJ sets with lyrics in Italian. Rocco Rampino artistically directed the production, giving the final touch to the sound that takes us, dancing, into my favorite Japanese-dream worlds.
I wrote this piece looking, like a sleepless alchemist, for the spiral ampoules, the Cheshire Cat's kisses, the mysterious ingredients to make my sadness lighter. In this song, more than any other, I looked for my elixir-elasir.
Lorella is a mysterious queen who dances in a butterfly-shaped kimono in the most beautiful clubs in Tokyo, Naples, Paris… This is a track that I would like to dance together with all the energy that the body can give us on the dancefloors of my DJ sets of the year that has just arrived. I wrote and produced the song together with Fresco in his beautiful studio full of synths, drum machines and analog wonders.
On the shore of a deserted beach who knows where, Marina is a mermaid who has been waiting for who knows who for three centuries of rain, lights, tears, waves… While she dreams of getting lost in the celestial void on a flying carpet, she imagines this bachata serenade. I wrote this song with Rocco Rampino: it's one of the songs we love most.
When I wrote this piece I was constantly traveling between the abyss and Everest. Between the immense sadness and the illusory happiness of an impossible love, you can float lightly if you find the right spell for you. I wrote this piece with Peppe Petrelli and it was born as a very secret magic.
In the hypnosis of a taiko (Japanese drum), I say: “How many times do you get lost?”, Soheil answers me, in Farsi: “When you enter my room, be quiet, the crystals on the floor could break”.
This is a meta-song: it's about the moment it was written. It is a journey into the absurdities of the stubborn head of a Capricorn who takes refuge in the magic formula of Musica Especial.
I found this White Tiger in a session in Fresco's wonder studio in Città di Castello: we had fun writing the music, going from one dream synth to another, from a drum machine to a rare record, from a throwaway topline off to someone to fall in love with. All in the magic of a February afternoon.
Iceberg – Marina (Bachata) – White Tiger
Nullaaaaaaaaaaaa. Press play and start dancing!
SCORE: 8.00
ICEBERG – Rating 8.00
AMÆMI – Rating 8.00
ETC – Rating 7.50
LORELLA – Rating 7.50
MARINA (BACHATA) – Rating 8.00
ABYSS EVEREST – Rating 7.75
TAIKO – Rating 7.50
ESPECIAL MUSIC – Rating 8.00
WHITE TIGER – Rating 8.00