Freestyle lovers are in luck. Your favorite hobby is going to take up much of your days again very soon. And the Red Bull Batalla 2024 season is inauguratedwith which we will discover who will compete in the great Red Bull Battle International Final at the WiZink Center in Madrid on November 30.
From this February 19 to March 25, registrations are open to be part of this new season. Thus, MCs can send their improvising videos through the official Red Bull app. The jury will be in charge of selecting the 64 participants from among the requests received from the young promises. Those chosen will take to the stages of each regional in Barcelona, ​​Cádiz, Madrid and Bilbao.
Of course, imagination and speed will be key for participants to earn a place among the finalists. And only three from each regional will advance to the National Final. Mnak, Alek and Segrelles will wait for you there.
The regionals will take place on the days April 27 in Barcelona, ​​May 11 in Cádiz, May 18 in Madrid and June 8 in Bilbao. The date of the National is yet to be confirmed.
Yes indeed. It is already known that the International Final will take place on November 30 at the WiZink Center in Madrid. Whoever manages to reach the National Championship will take to this imposing stage to duel with other great voices of freestyle, such as those of Chuty, Fat N and Mechawho have already secured their passes for the International.
Poster for the Red Bull Batalla 2024 International Final
The event will be joined by those classified from the rest of the countries, which are Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, the United States, Mexico, Uruguay and Central America (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, Panama and the Dominican Republic). Like every year, only one of all the participants will be able to take the title of world champion. Who will succeed Chuty? Will the man from Madrid do a double in the competition? We will have to wait to find out.
What is clear is that the favorite season for freestyle lovers has already begun. Let the show begin!