The wait has come to an end. The next November 20the Academy of Triumph operation will reopen its doors. After its last stage on Spanish Television, the most important musical competition in this country returns with the help of streaming. Prime Video will from now on be the platform that welcomes this iconic format into its catalogue, which, as so many times before, will seek among its aspiring the next stars of the national and international scene (this time it will also be broadcast in Latin America).
Before the big premiere, Prime Video has organized a visit to the facilities of OT 2023 for press and influencers. In this same call, WECB has had the opportunity to speak with the different people responsible for the program – from Noemí Galera, director of the Academy, to Tinet Rubira, the head of the production company Gestmusic – about the news of the edition and some necessary changes with respect to previous seasons.
Maria José Rodríguez, Tinet Rubira and Noemi Galera, responsible for the format. / Aldara Zarraoa
The decision to recover ‘Operation Triumph’
“At Prime Video we are focused on what our subscribers want and Triumph operation It is born from a cry. It’s been three years since the last edition and when Gestmusic told us about it we didn’t doubt it. We had it very clear. We are also very excited because, once again, O.T. is going to make history. It is the first program to be made live on Prime Video,” explained María José Rodríguez, head of Originals at Amazon Spain.
“It seems like a press conference, but for us it is a meeting of friends. We are falling in love with a present that is just beginning,” he added. Chenoawho goes from being one of the show’s legendary contestants to becoming the show’s master of ceremonies.
The return of Chenoa
“I feel very grateful for starting this project. It has been a lifetime for me. I find it very exciting and I am going to do it with absolute love,” Chenoa said. “The essence of Operation Triumph is here and the protagonists are going to be able to enjoy it. We are going to return as always, but like never before.” And she added: “I get a lump in my throat. I am in charge of this with a very special love.”
I get a lump in my throat (…) I’m not a typical presenter, I’m going to have a lot of empathy with the contestants
— Chenoa
“When it comes to presenting I have a criterion that is chosen with direction. I do not intend to posturing too much, it is not something that I could maintain over time. I am not a typical presenter, I am going to have a lot of empathy with the contestants and I will be excited by what “Look and listen. They gave me advice: enjoy. I’m going to be constantly trying to enjoy.”

The OT 2023 jury is made up of Pablo Rouss, Concha Buika and Cris Regatero. / ALBERTO ESPADA
The objective of the jury
This Wednesday, November 15, we learned that our colleague Cris Regatero, the singer and producer Pablo Rouss and the artist Cocha Buika will be part of the permanent jury of this edition of OT.
It is about accompanying artists in their evolution
— Cris Regatero
“What’s cool is seeing that nothing is perfect, what it’s about is accompanying artists in their evolution,” he noted. Cris Regatero at the press conference OT 2023to which the singer and producer has added Pablo Rouss: “What I’m going to look for is for people to transmit things to me beyond the vocal talent they have. We work with people and what must be judged is the whole that makes up a human being. I’m going to focus on enjoying. We have come to learn from the process and I am looking forward to it,” she expressed.

The dates of ‘OT 2023’
So as not to miss anything from the return of Triumph operation You have to be clear about the calendar. As we said, next Monday, November 20, starting at 10:00 p.m., the premiere will take place through Prime Video in rigorous live action. However, a few days before, on Thursday, November 16, subscribers of the platform will be able to meet the 18 candidates who will participate in that Gala 0 in two special programs where you can see how the final casting was carried out.
After the premiere, YouTube will enable the live channel of OT 2023 and daily monitoring of the program will begin. However, coverage from Prime Video will have other spaces. Without going any further, starting November 21, there will be a daily format, OT per daywhere Xuso Jones will review the best moments of the day.
The return of Triumph operation It’s back bigger than ever and we can’t wait to continue this new adventure!