Future funk vs the ravages of adult life.
You get up early between 5:00 and 6:00, you travel 2 hours to work, you work 8 hours + unpaid overtime, another 2 hours await you back home, you try to take advantage of every minute before going to sleep, but in the end you have to rest to repeat the routine. There is no way to free ourselves from the brutal power of capitalism, that is why we invent ways to escape and one of them is: Neko Milkshake.
Neko Milkshake It is a Mexican project of future funk and city pop tan incredibly danceable song that from its first album caught the attention of the Japanese record label Neoncity Records to make it part of their catalog. This year he returns with Escapisman album that helps you escape from all the problems and evil of capitalism just by putting on some headphones and hitting play.
Escapism It is an album that speaks from the personal experience of Neko Milkshake, since he composed it while suffering from the ravages of an exploitative job that took away his time to dedicate to music. Therefore, although the album is 100% instrumental, many songs have a very specific message: “Fuck Deadlines”, “Overthinking”, “Impermanence”, “Not In Control”.
Between each change of beat We find collaborations that deliciously spice up the songs. Super Monaco He is a Canadian fan of Neko Milkshake who contacted him and sent him a synthesizer arrangement that he recorded 10 years ago so he could do whatever he wanted with it and the result ended up being one of the best tracks of Escapism: “Bosozuko”
Turbopinkartist of chiptunedistributes some good scales in retro game tones in “Fuck Deadlines”, track that could easily be played in a game bullet hell. ShiruettoArgentine producer of future funkadds magic to “Impermanece”, musicalizing the realization that we are not here forever and it is better to spend our time on things that are worthwhile.
Being exhausted all the time for no apparent reason is an evil of late capitalism, feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, anxious and angry due to the sum of all the above is something that can take away the meaning of life, but there are always ways to escape, although is to give yourself a slight respite. Escapism It is a way to free yourself for 42 minutes and forget about the heaviness of the universe in each beat.