Ends OT 2023 and a new story begins for the 16 people who have gone through the Academy and are now preparing to debut in the music industry. It is a story that is yet to be written, but before we get down to work we have to go back in time to remember the past and appreciate this wonderful present that the boys and girls who make up the new generation of Triumph operation. We are going to do it with the help of Naiara – the new champion of the format – and Paul Thin – second place in the edition –. Their thoughts, what they want to tell, the dreams they fantasize about. All that and much more is in OT 2023, 24 hours later: Naiara and Paul, a story to tellra documentary interview that WECB premieres in order for the unconditional fandom of the program to relive the moments that marked them during the experience lived within the Academy, without forgetting who they were before receiving the sticker that changed their lives forever.
I want to build an imperialist Naiara, with people who identify with me and live my songs
— Naiara
“It was a magical moment. I saw Noe (NoemĂ Galera) with the 2009 sticker in her hand and, although there were quite a few people missing, I felt that that sticker was mine,” says Naiara, traveling back in time to the day of the casting, to which Paul adds: “Triumph operation It’s the program, it’s the format. I was so clear that I wanted to be there that I cried like I have never cried before. I threw myself into Noe’s arms. I thanked him for giving me the opportunity. It was no longer the opportunity of my life on a professional level, it was the opportunity I had been waiting for to learn and grow as an artist.”.
Paul and Naiara in ‘OT 2023, 24 hours later: Naiara and Paul, a story to tell’
They both entered Triumph operation chasing a dream, but keeping in mind what had led them to that zero minute in which they said yes to being part of the phenomenon. In that sense, Naiara does not forget her career as an orchestra singer and, above all, he keeps in mind the woman from whom he has learned the values ​​that she now defends with her unbreakable spirit. “My mother is the best person I have ever met in my life. She has been a fighter. “She has raised six children with all her papo,” she says excitedly. “My father has not been in my life. After three years he left. My mother has been my mother and my father. I am a big fan of her, she is my reference. Everything I am I owe to her”.
I don’t know if the world will take me to fill stadiums, but I will try to make my songs take me to fill the rooms that I have dreamed of so much.
— Paul Thin
“I have always been a big fan of the format, in my house we have the albums of OT 1. It was clear to me that when I came of age I was going to appear at the casting. I remember searching every week for anything related to the show. It was clear to me,” explains Paul. “My family has always supported me in the decisions I have made, they have always trusted me. I remember perfectly that I sent a photo of the casting sticker and my sister sent me a video because she couldn’t stop crying.”
Now a promising future for them appears on the horizon. Naira wants to build a music empire. She is determined to earn a place within the industry and sell out the big venues like a true star. “Yes, I imagine myself filling WiZinks and BernabĂ©us. I’m going to fight so hard that I’m going to get it. I have achieved everything I have set out to do in my life. I’m going to leave my mark in the world of music. I want one day to be remembered as a hard-working aunt, who has made good songs and who has done everything from the heart.“, says the winner of OT 2023. And Paul adds: “Things are never as clear as they seem. I am clear that my passion is telling and I don’t want to sacrifice that. The important thing is the songs, Manu Guix told us. I don’t know if the world will take me to fill stadiums, but I will try to make my songs take me to fill the halls that I have dreamed of so much in my life.”.
EITHERT 2023: 24 hours later – Naiara and Paul, a story to tell It is a production made with great love that, in addition, has the collaboration of Cris Regatero, presenter of WECB and main jury of this edition of the program. It was planned that Ruslana would also participate in the recording, but she could not due to health problems. Still, we hope that you enjoy this special content and, above all, that you take care of Naira, Paul and the rest of the contestants who, starting today, are going to fight for the dream of devoting themselves to music.