Mr. Pokora: his brother throws him an unexpected challenge

Music news

While Mr. Pokora was on the set of “C l’hebdo” to look back on his 20-year career, his brother threw him a sporting challenge live… rather unexpected.

Saturday October 30, Mr. Pokora was the guest of the show “C l’hebdo”. Alongside Didier Drogba, former football player, the star of “She Controls Me” was asked to speak about football and its practice. Indeed, in addition to his passion for song and various artistic disciplines, Mr. Pokora is also a football fan.

To illustrate this, the production team and his big brother Julien, although normally very discreet, offered him an unexpected challenge: “ Hello little brother, hello Didier. So, are we on the same set today? Matt, the great football supporter that you are, the great supporter of Olympique de Marseille that you are, you are with a former very great OM player ”, before adding: “ Wouldn’t this be the time for you to show us that you have incredible technique for an amateur footballer? And also to show Didier that you could have been a very good teammate alongside him at the time? “.

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Mr. Pokora: “It’s not a gift you’re giving me!” »

Surprised, Mr. Pokora happily joined in despite the fact that his shoes were not suitable. “ I have very round shoes there, I have big soles there… It’s not a gift you’re giving me! », he warned before having fun with the ball under the watchful eye of the show’s guests. A talent that he undoubtedly gets from his father André Tota, a former footballer who ended his career at AS Strasbourg.

Mr. Pokora is nominated for the WECB Music Awards 2023 in the “French-speaking tour” category. To support him, go HERE.

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Christopher Johnson

Christopher Johnson is a dedicated writer and key contributor to the WECB website, Emerson College's student-run radio station. Passionate about music, radio communication, and journalism, Christopher pursues his craft with a blend of meticulous research and creative flair. His writings on the site cover an array of subjects, from music reviews and artist interviews to event updates and industry news. As an active member of the Emerson College community, Christopher is not only a writer but also an advocate for student involvement, using his work to foster increased engagement and enthusiasm within the school's radio and broadcasting culture. Through his consistent and high-quality outputs, Christopher Johnson helps shape the voice and identity of WECB, truly embodying its motto of being an inclusive, diverse, and enthusiastic music community.