Mario Giordano responds to Rondodasosa “I can sue you but I don’t care”
It is well known that Mario Giordano likes to target rap and blame this musical genre for the various problems that afflict young people. Several times during the episodes of Fuori dal Coro, the program he hosts on Rete 4, the journalist accused the rappers of instigating drug use and violence. It would in fact be the fault of their lyrics if the kids take drugs and if there they are the baby gangs. Mario Giordano has often read the lyrics of some exponents of the genre, obviously carefully chosen to carry forward his theory of rap = drugs and violence. And among these texts obviously those of Rondodasosa could not be missing.
Rondo mocked Mario Giordano in the video for “Face to Face 2” using an audio of the journalist reading the lyrics of one of his songs as an intro.
Mario Giordano reported the matter during an episode of Fuori dal Coro, accused Rondo of promoting violence and added “I can even sue you but I don’t care, I’m worried about the kids, you’re a bad teacher”.
And of course, the great journalist is the champion savior of young people, the one who will save them from everything by eradicating rap music…
Rondo responded by sharing Mario Giordano’s video in his IG stories and commenting “but this is culture Mario, don’t get angry. I knew you would be crazy about Face to Face 2″.