The event series “M – Il Figlio del Secolo”, directed by Joe Wright and based on the novel of the same name by Antonio Scurati, is not just a work of historical fiction: it is a modern and disturbing fresco that portrays Benito's rise to power Mussolini, masterfully played by Luca Marinelli.
But there is another invisible protagonist that makes this tale even more powerful: the soundtrack by Tom Rowlands, half of the legendary duo The Chemical Brothers.
Tom Rowlands, already known for having contributed to works such as “Black Swan” and the soundtrack of the film “Hanna”, takes on a new challenge: translating into music the tensions and contradictions of an era marked by profound political changes and social. His composition for “M – Il Figlio del Secolo” is a combination of vintage acoustic instruments and electronic innovation, a mix that connects the past to the present.
A lot of the soundtrack was built by playing old acoustic instruments with modern electronics,” explains Rowlands. “Working this way helped me reference the past while still creating something fresh and dynamic.” This approach proves crucial for a narrative that, while rooted in history, breaks the fourth wall with a contemporary and direct language.
Rowlands' choice fits perfectly with director Joe Wright's vision. Mussolini is not just a historical figure, but a character who speaks directly to the public, revealing his darkest thoughts. Rowlands' music amplifies this ambiguity: the electronic sounds underline the restlessness and emotional dissonance, while the acoustic timbres evoke the historical context.
Wright comments:
“What I find really fascinating about Mussolini is that he represents, in my mind, the worst of masculinity… Mussolini… dug into the worst in himself and used it to gain power.”
The soundtrack reflects this complexity, oscillating between moments of dark introspection and an almost hypnotic energy.
Rowlands' work is not limited to the background: it is an integral part of the story. Each scene is constructed with obsessive precision, in line with the writing of Stefano Bises, Davide Serino and Antonio Scurati. Music accompanies historical events, underlining the emotions and power dynamics that develop on screen.
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