Laura Pausini will continue to raise awareness against sexist violence in her concerts with this small and useful gesture

Music news

We know very well the social implication of Laura Pausini, such as her support for the LGTBI community and feminism. Therefore, it does not seem strange to us that she dedicates part of her concerts to raising awareness and reflecting on the systemic violence that is exercised against women.

The Italian He has shared on social networks a gesture that he uses in his concerts —and that he will continue to use—to help those who need it. A slight direct movement of hands and, above all, useful, to express it publicly in case of help.

“During the tour that is about to begin we will continue dedicating a song and a reflection on violence against women, as we have already done in the squares of Venice and Seville this summer. It is a very important issue that we must all address,” he said. expressed in his post.

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The person of the year at the Latin Grammy 2023 continues to explain that “the gesture you see filmed here is the request for help that women who suffer violence can make at any time, even during one of my concerts if they need it, and we must all be capable of recognizing it to be able to give them help.

I discovered that it is not a well-known gesture and I think it is useful to continue showing it to everyone. It is important to pay constant attention to this social plague that unfortunately continues to be very topical,” he added. And all disclosure seems insufficient when it comes to combating sexist violence.

In this same publication, the singer has pointed out that she always makes this symbol during the live performance of Io yes (Seen) -in Spanish, I do—, the central theme of the film The life aheadadaptation of the novel of the same name by Romain Gary, directed by Edoardo Ponti and released in 2020.

This ballad talks about accompanying people when they go through difficulties and encounter obstacles along the way. “If no one feels you / If no one sees you / If no one sees it / And no one believes it… I do”says the song.


Written by

Christopher Johnson

Christopher Johnson is a dedicated writer and key contributor to the WECB website, Emerson College's student-run radio station. Passionate about music, radio communication, and journalism, Christopher pursues his craft with a blend of meticulous research and creative flair. His writings on the site cover an array of subjects, from music reviews and artist interviews to event updates and industry news. As an active member of the Emerson College community, Christopher is not only a writer but also an advocate for student involvement, using his work to foster increased engagement and enthusiasm within the school's radio and broadcasting culture. Through his consistent and high-quality outputs, Christopher Johnson helps shape the voice and identity of WECB, truly embodying its motto of being an inclusive, diverse, and enthusiastic music community.