Juanjo and Paul Thin take the stage at the Veintiuno concert to sing ‘Modern Life’ and the audience has a request

Music news

We have to go back to gala 5 Operation Triunfo 2023 to remember the one he messed with Modern life of Twenty-one and Love of Lesbianthe issue they had to defend at that time Juanjo and Paul Thin.

It is a song that talks about love in times of Tinder and there is a phrase in that song that revolutionized the academy and especially caught the attention of Salma: “You call polyamory to the usual cuckolds”.

The group’s own vocalist, Diegohad to come to the fore to clarify that the group was enjoying everything that was happening to the fullest and that all those haters who were claiming that they were going to eat hot that month thanks to O.T.assured them that they would probably order a more expensive balloon that month.

Naiara and Paul: “We are going to fight to leave our mark in the world of music” | OT 2023: 24 later

And the thing is, the song was already a year old and had never had the impact and showcase it had thanks to the program. In fact, the following gala, The group went to sing live on the set, something that, surely, if this controversy had not occurred, would not have happened.

We come from Spanish indie. Spanish indie is full of forty-something critics who think they know more indie than you because they despise pop. Do you think you are more ingenious than people who have been brewing their hatred for the last 40 years? “He said to all those who had criticized them those days.

What he made clear is that they were not going to be able to piss them off because His mood was quite zen regarding this controversy..

Concert in La Riviera

This Thursday they had a concert at La Riviera and they did not hesitate to invite Juanjo and Paul Thin to the stage when they have sung Modern life. And they had a great time. It is clear that there is hunger for the stage and if the tour O.T. It’s going to have that feeling, it’s going to be a real blast.

And yes, Juanjo has invited at the end Martin to go up the stage to enjoy that moment with them. And of course, the public has melted with the couple and the good vibes that had been created. That became a real party.

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And as expected, many have launched a petition. Now that Juanjo has left the program and has to find the direction to start a career in music, they have made him a suggestion. Will indie be your path?

He hasn’t announced a single yet, so we’ll have to wait and see where he goes.


Written by

Christopher Johnson

Christopher Johnson is a dedicated writer and key contributor to the WECB website, Emerson College's student-run radio station. Passionate about music, radio communication, and journalism, Christopher pursues his craft with a blend of meticulous research and creative flair. His writings on the site cover an array of subjects, from music reviews and artist interviews to event updates and industry news. As an active member of the Emerson College community, Christopher is not only a writer but also an advocate for student involvement, using his work to foster increased engagement and enthusiasm within the school's radio and broadcasting culture. Through his consistent and high-quality outputs, Christopher Johnson helps shape the voice and identity of WECB, truly embodying its motto of being an inclusive, diverse, and enthusiastic music community.