A new documentary explores the life of John Lennon and Yoko Ono in the early seventies, at Greenwich Village.
The love story between John Lennon and Yoko Ono will be the subject of a new documentary entitled One to One. The film will be screened exclusively in IMAX on April 11.
Directed by Kevin Macdonald, One to One is focused on Lennon's only complete concert after the Beatles: the charitable concert one to one at Madison Square Garden, August 30, 1972. The film explored the 18 months preceding the evening, while the couple shared an apartment in Greenwich Villagd.
As the film trailer shows, Macdonald is largely based on archive images. In addition to new images, One to One Presents newly remixed music produced by the couple's only son, Sean Ono Lennon.
Announced for the first time last May, One to One was presented in preview at the Venice Mostra in August. He was also part of the official selection of the Sundance Festival at the start of the year.