Ivan Ferreiro has surprised his followers with the launch of his new carol, Fairy tale in Madrid. This song not only stands out for its endearing melody and lyrics, but also for the impressive cast of artists that participate in its music video. The collaboration of so many stars of Spanish music makes this Christmas carol something unique and a true Christmas gift for music lovers.
The song transports us from the second one to a Christmas Eve in the Café Pavón, an emblematic place in the center of Madrid. The song speaks to a great love who hopes that all his wishes will be fulfilled in the coming year.
Furthermore, the song is not only interpreted by the Galician artist, the artist Guadi Galego collaborates with him in the carol What else will we hear this Christmas?
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Artists who appear in Ferreiro's Christmas carol
The video of Fairy tale in Madrid He is overflowing with talent no matter where you look at him. Pablo Lopez takes out his magical piano and his love for music to bring your magical touch to the melody. Leivawith his unmistakable style, He fills the video with strength by taking charge of the drums. For its part, Rozalenalways innovative, surprises by playing the bandurria, a traditional instrument that adds a unique and festive touch to the Christmas carol.
Mikel Erentxun is in charge of the acoustics, while the choirs are in charge Vega, Santi Balmes, Julian Saldariaga and Angie Sanchez. Definitely, among all They create a perfect harmony that elevates the song to another level. The flute of Xosé Manuel Budiño adds an ethereal nuance, while the accordion of Edurne Arizu instills an air of celebration and joy.

Amaro Ferreirobrother of Ivan, joins the guitardemonstrating that the musical talent runs in the family. Ferrán Pontón, of Egon Soda, play the mandolin, adding a folk touch that enriches the musical texture of the Christmas carol. Ricky Falknerin addition to taking care of the bass, has been responsible for musical productionensuring that each element fits perfectly
The importance of this collaboration
The meeting of so many outstanding artists in a single project It's not something you see every day.. These types of collaborations not only enrich the music, but also send a powerful message about unity and cooperation in the art world. In times where individuality is often celebrated above all else, Fairy tale in Madrid reminds us of the beauty of working together to create something truly special.
Each artist brings his own style and talentcreating a synergy that is reflected in the quality and emotionality of the Christmas carol.
A Christmas Gift
Fairy tale in Madrid It's not just a song; It is a musical experience that captures the spirit of Christmas. This Christmas carol is the perfect gift for these holidays, a song that we can enjoy as a family, that invites us to sing together and celebrate the joy of Christmas.
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