Successful steps towards a different conception of love in the new IDLES album.
When everything was anger, frustration and a life lesson, love arrived to be conceived through a musical change. Despite TANGK, the band’s fifth album, references the way the band imagined guitars sounded; the onomatopoeia of life in love.
TANGK is now available, so in Indie Rocks!we talk with Mark Bowenguitarist and producer, about this new and great step in his career.
It’s a step in the direction we really want to take and follow: it’s everything. This album has a great achievement, I feel like it sounds good, especially the production stands out and I hope everyone likes it.”
Unlike previous albums, the band from England takes love as their flag and begins to wave it louder than ever, however, not in the meaning that we all know. “Love has different meanings and different facets: it is powerful, brutal, beautiful, the best and the worst thing in the world. It is not difficult to find your sound when there are many things that surround it,” he comments. mark.
However, their creative process is the same one they have followed since Brutalism. “We have a conversation about the album and what it will be about, but mostly where we are in the world, how we feel and what our intentions are for the project. We consider many things and think about them, but at the moment of conception, trust and hope are the general idea. “If we went back and analyzed it, it would lose its magic.”
I enjoy being on the limits; I like to make music that is difficult for me. It’s fun”.
For his fifth album, mark met with other producers such as Nigel Godrich and Kenny Beats to try to refine the line they had been working on since previous albums, and although it was a great challenge for everyone, they achieved it.
Challenges. It’s the perfect word. We have already reached the point where, in Crawler, we began experimenting with musical composition, our sound and production. This album is a challenge to us and all those things that moved further and further away from our expectations as a band because TANGK “It’s about writing songs, choruses and timing until you get more experimental, melodic and harmonic themes.”
Get ready to meet TANGK and listen to your favorite songs Mark. “One of the most important songs for me is ‘Gospel’ because it’s the most different song we’ve ever written even though the music came naturally, but Joe He had trouble because he didn’t know what it should sound like. On the other hand, if you want to explain what it sounds like TANGKyou just have to put ‘POP POP POP’; we use feedback in the choruses and there’s a lot of information that people wouldn’t expect to hear like jazz chords.”
I don’t think a fan of IDLES wants us quiet or bored. We believe in the art we are creating today; “We’re here, right now, and it’s the best thing we’ve created this year, so fans aren’t interested, they’re free to abandon ship.”
It is no surprise that, over the years, we encounter gradual but radical change. For better or worse, time will tell, but as always, music is an art that evolves and we can’t do anything to stop it.
We turn back and return to 2009. We witness the union of cultures to form a force, while mark bowen Just think of one word: hope. “No matter when or where we found ourselves in those years that make us think that we are capable of this, not quite. The more we pay attention, the more we create; we learn from process and creativity; we create art and turn it into a language so we can do whatever we want especially in an album like TANGK”.
In October 2024 IDLES returns to our country to present his album, but above all with a Show different, better prepared and focused on the design that the band is about to show. Before you get to that, don’t forget to enjoy TANGK and get to know this new stage of the band.