Interview with Alex Anwandter


A storm called Alex Anwandter.

This Sunday, August 25, we moved our bodies uncontrollably to songs like “Gaucho”, “Lost” either “Your New Obsession” and we madly sang songs like: “You have a very old idea of ​​love”, “The devil in the body” either “Tell me precious”but today we are going to read a little of what the great and talented has in mind Alex Anwandter.

Only in 2023, Alex launched The Devil in the Bodya great album with great guests, Search for bulls, Javiera Mena, Julieta Venegas and Christina Rosenvingebut it didn't take long for him to release nine new songs under the name, Tell me precious.

I did it because I had the songs and I was basically too lazy to wait two years to release new music, just because it's normal in the industry, I wanted to rebel a bit.”

Alex She is a very honest person, very cool, very beautiful and very creative as well… “I am always doing things, right now I must have about 20 new songs in different stages of completion,” but she swears that she will behave herself and wait a while to publish them.

It's just that within the creative environment it can also do a bit of harm not to get what you have inside out. Sometimes, getting things out helps you make way for new things.

I'm not doing anything TikToks of my shows or my recordings, but I make up for it by doing more other things like putting out music.”

It's crazy to be an artist these days and have to generate content on social media to stay present, which is neither good nor bad, it just is, but it's true that not having to do that extra work is a relief and gives more freedom for musical creation.

Very catchy music, melancholic songs, dancing and social protest are things that characterize the songbook of Alex Anwandterbut there is also an extremely realistic duality in his songs.

The world is a very bad place, but life is a very, very beautiful thing. You have to navigate by combining those two contradictions. We suffer and we enjoy and we love, I like to talk about those things that happen, I guess I do it from a very personal place.”

And it is noticeable that the songs of Alex They are increasingly personal and seem to be more and more colorful and far from what he once did since Teleradio Donoso.

Yes, I am far from Teleradio Donoso, but there are also things that I like and things that I don't. I could tell you that it is somewhat cyclical, there are songs that I find terrible and others that I find great.”

One of the songs he hates most in his entire career is “Bed of Nails”a song that they shout at the top of their lungs for him to play, but Alex He flatly refuses at every concert.

The songs that I no longer enjoy, I don't play live anymore. I like to push back, but it's important to be honest with the audience, I'm not selling toothpaste, on stage I'm delivering something that I truly feel.”

And it is true that artists are not robots, that even though they may seem like products, they also have feelings.

I know myself, if I only played what people wanted I wouldn't have the same energy as when I'm doing what I want, so the end justifies the means.”

Now you know what the answer will be. Alex If they ask him for that exact song that he just doesn't love at all, how can you get mad at him.

Working as a producer has only benefited me, on the one hand I learn a lot from artists. Working with someone like Julieta Venegas is for me, not only a career opportunity, it is an artistic opportunity.”

In addition to Julieta Venegas, Fother Muckers, Planet No, Juliana Gattas and Francisco Victoria are some of the artists with whom Alex He has worked as a producer and the truth is it is not to look good, but he has done a very good job producing himself and other artists.

On this occasion we saw a show live from Alex with a full band, but sometimes he dares to go completely solo, with his guitar and tracks to complement.

The energy that is produced when there are several people making music at the same time vs something that comes out of a computer is unmatched. Something that I have been trying to do for a long time is not to do shows I have a microphone and tracks behind me because I feel like I have no energy left.”

That's why he prefers to earn less money and pay for a full band so that the public gets more. “It's something I also do on my albums, although they have a lot of electronic music, there are also a lot of people playing instruments, piano, drums, brass, orchestra.”

I would love to make a show with a lot of musicians, like, apart from my band, a string orchestra, a brass section and a lot of guests, like those who have collaborated on my records appear one by one.”

I hope one day he gets a job show guy Luis Miguel To our dear Alex Anwandter.

Stay tuned for Indie Rocks! for more details.

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Written by

Christopher Johnson

Christopher Johnson is a dedicated writer and key contributor to the WECB website, Emerson College's student-run radio station. Passionate about music, radio communication, and journalism, Christopher pursues his craft with a blend of meticulous research and creative flair. His writings on the site cover an array of subjects, from music reviews and artist interviews to event updates and industry news. As an active member of the Emerson College community, Christopher is not only a writer but also an advocate for student involvement, using his work to foster increased engagement and enthusiasm within the school's radio and broadcasting culture. Through his consistent and high-quality outputs, Christopher Johnson helps shape the voice and identity of WECB, truly embodying its motto of being an inclusive, diverse, and enthusiastic music community.