Interview – LDA: we need to get away from our phones and start living real life


A new cross between LDA is the family of “DI4RI S2”, the Netflix series.

The Neapolitan artist after having signed the theme song for the second season with the song Sandcastle, now adds new music to the adventures of the 3D kids with PROMISES.

If “Castello di santi” is the perfect song to tell the melancholy of the last days of summer, waiting for the return to normal life, “Promesse” is instead a look at the future.

There is love, friendship, the uncertainties that characterize the characters of the series, but which were and are also ours.
Strong bonds are the best way to face everyday difficulties and this is precisely the message that the artist wants to convey.

We met Lda and she talked to us about her Promises, television, her diaries and her relationship with music and social media.


I am very satisfied with this opportunity. In the song there are stories of friendships that remain such despite the adversities of life, with which to exchange promises to keep, written on the hands that come together in a handshake as if to symbolize a union that can last forever”.

Promises it’s a song that I wanted to dedicate to all the kids who don’t have the chance to dream, or even more so to all those who aren’t given the chance to dream.

It is a dedication to the many who have had less in life than others.
The song was born, like all my songs, from a moment of thought and reflection that I then brought to music.
A song that wants to give a voice to those who don’t have it so strong.

The song is a bit of a social criticism and if it hadn’t been released as the soundtrack of the series it would have been released anyway.

The soundtrack of DI4RI S2

They are two totally opposite songs, the only similarity is that they are both in the soundtrack of “DI4RI S2”.
The first, Sandcastleis a little more carefree than Promises, even if in sound it might seem easier and more carefree. I really tried to soften everything given the depth of the text.


I hadn’t proposed any songs to Amadeus because I did Sanremo last year and for the moment I have different projects.
Maybe I’d like to participate again in the next few years when I have the right song.

A Tv series

My dream is to make a television series that talks about me. There are many things about my story that people don’t know. A documentary or mini film would make a great keepsake. However, I would also like to participate in a series as an actor, I would see myself playing the part of a professor!

The diary

I had my secret diary as a child. When my mother bought it for me I was thrilled.
The diary had a key and I hid it in different places each time.
I wrote everything in this diary: my first crushes, my thoughts, the beautiful things and the less beautiful things, it was something very intimate.
When I saw “Diaries” the first time I was reminded of my diary and I looked it up.
Luckily it was open, if it had been closed I would never have found the key. I started reading it and so many situations, moments and situations came to mind.
It was nice to reread my past. Now it is here with me in the room and I guard it jealously.

Social media

I’m not very social.
I am convinced that many of the problems that kids of my generation have are actually created by social media and these damned phones.
There’s a feature on smartphones that tells you how much time you use social media. I once looked at how much I had used various social networks and was shocked at how much time I was unconsciously spending there.
I realized that I only lived three of the 10 days, the others I was connected on social media, YouTube, Instagram, Tik Tok.
I was becoming addicted to social media. From there I decided to reduce my phone use.
Before I kept frantically looking at what this one does, where this other one is, what this one says, the comment of that one and that one…
Now I don’t care anymore. I have taken back my time and I would like many kids like me to understand this.
By using your phone less you can focus on other more important things: traveling, making music, reading, writing, you become more productive, it’s important.
We need to detach ourselves from the phone and start living real life again and not just the virtual one.


LDA was competing among the Bigs of the 73rd edition of the Sanremo Festival with the song “Se poi Tomorrow”, contained in his new album “Quello che fa bene” (Read the review), released on Friday 17 February and followed by a 3-date tour in April. In May it was released “Granita”, a single that accompanied us throughout the summer while in September the artist landed on Netflix with “Castello di sand”, theme song for the second season of the TV series “DI4RI”, followed by “Promesse” in December.


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Christopher Johnson

Christopher Johnson is a dedicated writer and key contributor to the WECB website, Emerson College's student-run radio station. Passionate about music, radio communication, and journalism, Christopher pursues his craft with a blend of meticulous research and creative flair. His writings on the site cover an array of subjects, from music reviews and artist interviews to event updates and industry news. As an active member of the Emerson College community, Christopher is not only a writer but also an advocate for student involvement, using his work to foster increased engagement and enthusiasm within the school's radio and broadcasting culture. Through his consistent and high-quality outputs, Christopher Johnson helps shape the voice and identity of WECB, truly embodying its motto of being an inclusive, diverse, and enthusiastic music community.