Interview – CECILIA today I’m in the thirst phase and I always want to do something new


“555” is Cecilia’s new EP, a sonic journey that started from CHAOS to arrive at order and evolution.

The artist began this journey with the project “the sense of this chaos” and now returns to tell his story in “555”, an angelic number that symbolizes transformation, movement and evolution and which narrates the process that the artist has crossed to get here.

We met her. Here is her story:

A year ago I brought out “the meaning of this chaos”. In my mind this album should have had a natural sequel, a new sonic chapter that should have been called “order”, because my initial idea was precisely to work on the concept of the chaos-order dichotomy.

Then last year I had a fairly rich period of writing sessions in which I also started working with other artists and other producers.
It was a fruitful phase of changes, in which I also listened more to the things that came from the outside rather than to my internal chaos.

From there we collected some material which is then contained in this EP.
When I found myself giving a name to the new project I thought that “order” was no longer appropriate.

From January to today, I don’t know why, but recurring numbers kept recurring in my life: 555, 23 and other numbers.
I really like numerology, I am very fascinated by the meaning of numbers. Maybe because I was born on 11/22 and therefore I like the fact that 22 is double of 11 and 11 is half of 22.

I had to make sense of this and I understood that “order” was not the right name, also because I am not very orderly in my brain, in fact I am very chaotic in my mind, so I thought that this number “555” was fitting and the title also perfect because it indicates periods of change and of trusting one’s intuitions by creating new perspectives.

The album develops in 4 phases, at least that’s how I saw it and experienced it.

Fever which is the first phase of change. The period in which you get a fever from fear.
Then there is the crisis, when you go into crisis because you are afraid.
Then you break with a crack, but in the end the thirst and the desire to start again returns. That’s been a bit of a journey.

Today I feel very thirsty, in the sense that we have been working on this challenge for over a year now and the moment the album comes out you are thirsty and ready to do something new!


fever – is the first phase of change. The song takes us on a black and white journey through the memories of a love in the balance. Poised between: the possibility of making it and the possibility of not making it, between resignation and acceptance; between the sense of freedom of living without ties and the sense of belonging to someone. In a ‘sappy’ (sad-happy) sound imagery the song seeks the form of a possible balance, the form of the spirit of adaptation.

crisis – the second phase of change is a parallel between a couple’s relationship and the relationship between man and planet earth where indifference leads to catastrophe.

cracks – the third phase of change, the break. It talks about how one is changed by a traumatic event and the sense of emptiness and fragility that follows. crepe deals with an important loss, which I wanted to transform from an emotional crepe into a song.

thirst – the fourth phase of change, towards a rebirth, thirst moves, puts the emotions back in motion, brings back the desire to explore, to get out of the bubble. thirst is the last phase of the ep and the first for a new journey. ‘but what happens if thirst returns?’


ABOUT cecilia

Cecilia, is an artist who grew up on an endless journey between soul and the great Italian classics, accompanied by piano and guitar, experimentation and musical research. Her first three singles, “Monterey”, “Karma” and “Baltico”, released for Futura Dischi between 2019 and 2020, manage to adapt the Italian language to international sounds, helping to define the emerging national scene of this genre.

The inclusion of the latter in the playlists Anima R&B, Alessio Bertallot Selecta, Nuovo R&B Italia (, Italia (Undamento), Italian Soul Summit (Totally Imported), New Italian R’n’B (Italia Music Export) demonstrate belonging to these genres.

The is released on September 25, 2020 debut EP “?”, acclaimed by the Italian music press as one of the most interesting debuts of 2020 and one of the record releases that most marked the year. In January 2021 he released “Monterey remix (feat. LNDFK)”, followed by his latest single “green tea” in February. During the summer of the same year you played on the main stages of Italy, also opening some of the concerts of Colapesce and Dimartino and Ghemon. In May 2022 he performed on the “MI AMI” stage, bringing his EP “the sense of this chaos” live.



Written by

Christopher Johnson

Christopher Johnson is a dedicated writer and key contributor to the WECB website, Emerson College's student-run radio station. Passionate about music, radio communication, and journalism, Christopher pursues his craft with a blend of meticulous research and creative flair. His writings on the site cover an array of subjects, from music reviews and artist interviews to event updates and industry news. As an active member of the Emerson College community, Christopher is not only a writer but also an advocate for student involvement, using his work to foster increased engagement and enthusiasm within the school's radio and broadcasting culture. Through his consistent and high-quality outputs, Christopher Johnson helps shape the voice and identity of WECB, truly embodying its motto of being an inclusive, diverse, and enthusiastic music community.