Cristiana Capotondi: “if a boy considers a woman an object it’s trap’s fault”
During her career, actress Cristiana Capotondi has often played women victims of violence. She did it in the film Io ci sono, the true story of the lawyer Lucia Annibali disfigured by acid, and also in 2020 in Nome di donna, where she played the role of a worker sexually harassed by her employer. Cristiana Capotondi has always been close to women victims of violence, but live on LA7 she made a bold statement. The topic was the murder of Giulia Cecchettin, the 22-year-old girl brutally killed by her ex-boyfriend, Filippo Turetta. In commenting on this story that shocked everyone, the actress at a certain point brings up trap.
“Have you listened to trap music? Teenagers listen to it and women in trap music are treated that way. And why are we surprised if a 22-year-old young man considers a 22-year-old woman an object for which I will take your life?”
So if a boy kills a girl it’s trap music’s fault. He doesn’t bat an eyelid. It’s a bit like saying that if your child deals, it’s Sfera Ebbasta’s fault. But what are we talking about?? Once again, trap music is blamed. If kids take drugs, deal, steal, commit violent acts, if baby gangs exist it’s always trap music’s fault. And this story has been going on for years now. Wouldn’t it be better to consider trap music for what it is? Music and that’s it. And consider criminals for what they are? Criminals and that’s it. It makes no sense and is profoundly wrong, it is unfair to attribute to a musical genre a power and a guilt that it objectively does not have.