How To Get Rid Of Martens Effectively? Here Are 13 Tips For Successful Control


Having martens around your home, garden, or even car can quickly become a nuisance. These small mammals, closely related to weasels and skunks, are curious and agile but can also be quite destructive. If you’re looking for effective ways to control these unwelcome guests while respecting the environment, here are 13 practical tips to help keep martens at bay.

1. Install Physical Barriers

The first step is to block martens from accessing your living space:

  • Inspect the roof, walls, and openings to identify and seal any potential entry points.
  • Use marten-proof mesh on vents, gutters, and chimney openings.
  • Fence off your garden with barriers at least 5 feet high and buried 1 foot deep to prevent climbing or burrowing.
  • Cover ponds or water features with nets.

2. Maintain Your Environment Regularly

A clean, well-kept environment is less appealing to martens:

  • Mow the lawn and trim high grass.
  • Prune trees and shrubs to prevent them from becoming bridges to your roof.
  • Remove debris that could serve as shelter.
  • Clean gutters regularly to prevent leaf buildup.

3. Avoid Luring Them with Food

Don’t encourage martens to visit by offering easy meals:

  • Keep garbage tightly sealed and clean to minimize odors.
  • Don’t leave pet food or birdseed outside.
  • Pick up fallen fruits and vegetables from your garden.
  • Avoid feeding wildlife, like squirrels or hedgehogs.

4. Use Natural Repellents

Several natural repellents can help keep martens away:

  • Sprinkle coffee grounds around potential entry points.
  • Spray diluted essential oils of lavender, peppermint, or eucalyptus around problem areas.
  • Place naphthalene balls in attics or garages (use caution as they can be toxic).
  • Spread plant-based repellents like elderberry or fern slurry around your property.

5. Adopt a Pet

The presence of a dog or cat can deter martens from settling:

  • Pets mark territory with urine, signaling danger to martens.
  • Dogs or cats may actively chase martens if they’re curious or protective.
  • Their noise and activity disturb martens, who prefer peace.

6. Install Lighting Devices

Martens are nocturnal and sensitive to light:

  • Use motion-activated lights to scare off martens approaching your home.
  • Place solar lamps or string lights around your garden.
  • Use ultrasonic lamps that emit disturbing waves near entry points.

7. Take Advantage of Noise

Martens are also sensitive to unfamiliar sounds:

  • Install ultrasonic devices that emit noises unpleasant to martens.
  • Place noisy objects like cans, bells, or whistles around the property.
  • Make noise whenever you spot a marten.

8. Use Capture Traps

If all else fails, consider using humane traps:

  • Choose appropriately sized traps to avoid harming the animal.
  • Place traps near potential entry points and frequented areas.
  • Use appropriate bait, like eggs, fish, or meat.
  • Check traps regularly to release martens promptly.

9. Seek Professional Help

If martens persist despite your best efforts, call a pest control professional:

  • They’ll assess the situation and recommend effective measures.
  • They can install reliable protection like anti-marten grids.
  • They handle injured or trapped martens safely.

10. Adopt Preventive Measures

To prevent their return, remain vigilant:

  • Clean outdoor areas regularly to reduce debris buildup.
  • Regularly inspect potential entry points and maintain barriers.
  • Use natural repellents consistently.
  • Monitor the surroundings for early signs of martens.

11. Educate Your Community

Teamwork is often more effective:

  • Host information sessions to exchange tips on marten control.
  • Share your knowledge with neighbors for tailored solutions.
  • Collaborate on common protective measures like fences.

12. Learn Local Regulations

Check local rules on controlling martens:

  • Some methods, like trapping, may require permits.
  • Some regions protect martens, so avoid causing unnecessary harm.

13. Be Patient and Persistent

Martens are smart and agile, so eliminating them can be challenging. With the right strategies, you can increase your chances of success while respecting the animals’ lives. Keep your defenses up, and eventually, you’ll reclaim your space.

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Written by

Sarah Jensen

Meet Sarah Jensen, a dynamic 30-year-old American web content writer, whose expertise shines in the realms of entertainment including film, TV series, technology, and logic games. Based in the creative hub of Austin, Texas, Sarah’s passion for all things entertainment and tech is matched only by her skill in conveying that enthusiasm through her writing.