Photographer Doug Gemmell experienced the serendipity of being in the right place at the right time during one of his regular wildlife shoots. What he captured, however, was far from the ordinary eagle behavior one might expect.
An Unusual Discovery Through the Lens

While tracking the movements of a juvenile bald eagle—a creature yet to sprout its iconic white head feathers—Gemmell noticed the eagle descending not upon a body of water, which is typical for its species known for fishing, but rather toward a parking lot. Curiosity piqued, Gemmell continued snapping photos, intrigued by what such an unusual descent might yield.
A Slice of the Unexpected

Upon reviewing his photographs, Gemmell was astounded to discover that clutched in the eagle’s talons was not the expected fish or small mammal, but a delicious-looking slice of pepperoni pizza. “It’s not something you see every day, that’s for sure,” commented Gemmell on the unexpected find.
This peculiar moment highlighted the adaptability of wildlife, particularly urban-dwelling animals, which sometimes forage far beyond the natural menu. While it remains unknown whether the eagle actually consumed its saucy prize, the image itself serves as a humorous and stark symbol of nature intersecting with human life.
The Hunting Techniques of Eagles

Eagles, larger than most other diurnal birds of prey except for vultures and harpy eagles, possess unique hunting capabilities. Their size and weight might not allow the agility in flight exhibited by smaller raptors like falcons, but their powerful build enables them to exploit a range of hunting strategies—evidently, sometimes extending to unexpected scavenging in parking lots.
The adaptability of eagles, as shown in Gemmell’s photograph, suggests that these majestic birds will not only continue to surprise us with their behavior but also adapt in ways we might not anticipate. This intersection of wildlife behavior and human encroachment offers a fascinating glimpse into the changing dynamics of natural habitats—a reminder of the unpredictable ways in which wildlife interacts with the spaces we consider our own.