Halsey has always advocated sexual freedom, living yours without tapping or prejudices of any kind. It is something he has done with total honesty from the beginning of his career and, now, he has gone one step further.
After publishing The Great Impersonator and announce the tour For My Last Trick: The Tour (for the moment only for the United States), the American has launched Safewordwhich means “security word” And that, as it teaches in the music video that accompanies it, is a term that are used in BDMS, a sexual practice that comes out of the margins of the traditional.
The security word is a code or A word agreed between people who maintain this type of sex. This species of word in key is used as a signal to let the other person know automatically.
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Directed by Lana Jay Lackey, the artist shares a scene and room with other people who like to dominate, be submissive and vice versa; In short, dynamics of power in this type of erotic-festive activities.
Ashley herself becomes Dominatrix and a slave to other protagonists, in much of the scenes set in leather or ropes. Moreover, the term BDSM is an acronym that comes to break down the words Bondage (bonds) and disciple, domination and submission, sadism and masochism.
The author of Manic He has made clear what he wanted to convey with this single echoing a comment that has left youtube: “This song is not just a song, but the entire video clip looks like a love letter to the Kink/BDSM community, which is criminally incomprehencted by the majority.”
Similarly, Halsey has pointed out that this video keeps some similarity and link with Nightmarenot only in the sound – here he experiences again with his more punk vein influenced by the 70s – but also thanks to certain visual elements that appear in both videos, such as the cap or the leather model and the Bondage already mentioned. “Safeword = Nightmare's sister”, He expressed in his Instagram stories.