It seems that the launch of the last album of Duki It was a long time ago. However, the Argentine star continues to promote AMERI Every time he has occasion. The last interview has granted it to GQ Hype magazine and here, in addition to speaking long and lying on the album, it has also sincere how it feels.
We tend to think that the artists who head the charts are happy. They have fame, power and millions of fans. However, Duki has always been sincere when showing his feelings and has not hesitated to do it this time. “I have achieved success. Am I comfortable with me? I think not yet, that with AMERI I did not reach my AMERI”, He says.
Duki poses for GQ magazine / Adrián Ríos

Duki poses for GQ magazine / Adrián Ríos
In addition, Duki is fed up that, because he is a rapper, he cannot externalize how he feels. “There is still the stigma that rappers have to be super gangster and hard all the time,” he complains. “Talking that I feel bad or that I have an internal fight does not make me weaker, quite the opposite. That is why I speak of my vulnerabilities, treatment and samples. ”
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Duki's radical change
Duki has been part of the music industry for a long time. He spent years and years without stopping, working to reach the top. That life made him acquire bad habits with which he broke when 2020 came. Pandemia, to some extent, saved it. “Since 2017 I had never stopped turning, it was not just at home and calm. Finding me again with me and seeing me in a mirror and not recognizing me made me ask me at what time all this had happened, ”reveals the artist.

At that time, Duki did an examination of conscience. He walked away from the bad and realized all the good things around him: “I wanted to get away from drugs, I wanted to change company … There began all this restructuring. I really understood how good my family did for me when I needed it and that until then I had not seen, situations we collided with and they suffered. ”