Pepsi Black launches platform to promote new musical proposals.
The iconic Pepsi flavor without sugar, Pepsi Blackhas captivated its consumers with its flavor and now invites you to explore the B side of music through its platform Ripple effectwhich arises with the purpose of promoting emerging talents with great potential.
Music has always been an essential part of Pepsi since the 80s, being part of music videos, concerts and campaigns by great global music talents, so Pepsi BlackIn addition to preserving the original flavor, I could not leave aside the passion for this artistic expression. On this occasion, under a creative project, the brand seeks to go further by paying attention to the various manifestations of rhythm and melody since each musical genre shows the richness of cultural diversity.
To start this amazing project called Ripple effect, Pepsi Black invited four of the most important emerging talents in Mexico. Here you can enjoy a series of chapters full of passion and, above all, a lot of creativity with the trio of sisters, The Warningthe Mexican DJ Mariana Boand the rappers of the professional improv league, Steppenwolf and R.C..
These new talents had the creative freedom to interpret the song “More” in different styles, daring to live the music and experience the B sidewithout leaving aside its true essence.
Ripple Effect drives the B-side of music, as well as the philosophy and flavor of Pepsi Black by supporting emerging talent in Mexico, enhancing its authenticity. Our vision is to unleash an effect that benefits music as a whole, creating a ripple of creativity and authenticity that resonates with all music lovers, inspiring future generations to dare, to be disruptive and to break out of the bubble to go for more,” he expressed Rainer Strauss, Pepsi brand directorin a press release.
And because “the world is one of those who dare to try different things”, he runs to the various networks of Pepsi Black to see all the chapters and support the artists by sharing their content.
This will definitely be a new chapter in the history of music in Mexico and artists are ready to break barriers to dare to explore the unknown with Pepsi Black.