Dellacruz confesses that Chanel has given him advice for Benidorm Fest 2024: “She told me ‘prepare with the aerobic theme to the fullest'”

Music news

The artist Jorge de la Cruz Correa, better known as Dellacruz, has decided to take a gigantic step in his career and go from composing songs for the Benidorm Fest to presenting himself with his proposal. The young man is a great composer and has written songs for Sergio Dalma, Dvice, Soraya, Mumbai, Twin Melody either famous. These last two artists performed last year and, precisely, the one from the Canary Islands composed Lola of the Sevillian. Now, he has chosen the stageor the city of Alicante to show the world kiss in the morning and try to represent Spain in Eurovision 2024.

This January, the Canary Islander visited the WECB studios to talk about the adventure of appearing at Benidorm Fest 2024, the advice that she has given herself Chanel to give the best performance on that stage, the WhatsApp group that you share with your colleagues —for whom he loves to chat— and his next projects after the festival. Don’t miss the full interview and press play!

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One of the most anticipated moments by festival lovers is when the songs come out, Last December 14 was the day chosen by RTVE to present the topics to the public. At that time, the artists are eager for their proposal to see the light: “The truth is that I was already incredibly eager for it to come out, It is very difficult for me to keep the news. It was difficult for me the day they told us that we couldn’t say anything that we were in Benidorm. With the song you can imagine the desire he had,” confesses the Canarian.

kiss in the morning It is an urban pop that is enriched by the rhythm of electronica, a song that Dellacruz had saved for a very special moment. “I heard it at home with my roommate and he told me ‘brother, this song has something’ and that’s when I called Carlos, we all managed it, we started changing the beat to bring it a little closer to the festival theme and we were lucky that It worked to get into Benidorm and Let’s hope it works too to reach the final and we can represent Spain in Eurovision”, continues the artist.

Chanel Tip

Of course, Dellacruz He is willing to represent us at the festival and has had a great advisor. “The one I have spoken with the most has been Chanel, who precisely told me ‘prepare yourself with the aerobic theme to the full’. (…) He told me about all that, ‘your song is very fast, prepare yourself at a breathing level so you can do it well’ and nothing. In the end it is like a family, a very beautiful family has been formed with this year’s contestants, but the people of Benidorm have also welcomed us very, very well,” says the singer of How often.

They have not yet spoken about whether he has given her any tips in case she goes to Eurovision. “The first case right now is to try to sneak into the final, We are going to give everything to be there and if we are there, the next step will be to think about Eurovision,” the composer finishes explaining.

The WhatsApp group

One of the participants of the Benidorm Fest 2024, Yoly Saa, He confessed in an interview for WECB that one of the colleagues who spoke the most for the group was Dellacruz, so we did not want to miss the opportunity to ask him about it. “Look, I haven’t started sending audios yet, the day I start sending audios will shake. But yes, the truth is that I like to be quite active and that we are connected. I like to work together, above all, also at the composition level. When they put me together with new people, I think that because of my character it is very easy for me to put people together,” the canary begins to explain.

To know all the details of the interview, play the interview. And of course, Reserve January 30 and February 1 and 3 in your calendar to enjoy the festival.


Written by

Christopher Johnson

Christopher Johnson is a dedicated writer and key contributor to the WECB website, Emerson College's student-run radio station. Passionate about music, radio communication, and journalism, Christopher pursues his craft with a blend of meticulous research and creative flair. His writings on the site cover an array of subjects, from music reviews and artist interviews to event updates and industry news. As an active member of the Emerson College community, Christopher is not only a writer but also an advocate for student involvement, using his work to foster increased engagement and enthusiasm within the school's radio and broadcasting culture. Through his consistent and high-quality outputs, Christopher Johnson helps shape the voice and identity of WECB, truly embodying its motto of being an inclusive, diverse, and enthusiastic music community.