Canadian singer-songwriter Dana Gavanski embraces discomfort in her upcoming music release.
Dana Gavanskiknown for her captivating music since her debut in 2017, surprises us with the announcement of her third album, Late Slapscheduled for release on April 5, 2024 via Full Time Hobby. Gavanskywho already has two albums and an EP under his belt, shares the effervescent single “How To Feel Uncomfortable”marking the beginning of this new musical stage.
In a statement about the song, Gavansky reveals that the inspiration for “How To Feel Uncomfortable” comes from his own experience of losing his voice during the creation of his previous album, When It Comes.
The album Late Slap It is presented as a testimony of the evolution of Gavanskya journey that embraces the various facets of his personality.
The album holds together the seemingly disparate aspects of my character that I have tried to repress. With this album, I let them into the room, celebrating them for all their strangeness, a strangeness that I think we all share on some level,” he shares Gavansky.
The creative process of Late Slap was guided by the producer Mike Lindsay who collaborated closely with Gavansky and his band.
In addition to “How To Feel Uncomfortable”the album features a list of tracks that promise to immerse listeners in the sonic singularity of Dana Gavanski. With new confidence and palpable energy, Late Slap It is presented as a musical testimony of the artist who finds her voice in a unique and authentic way.
- “How To Feel Uncomfortable”
- “Let Them Row”
- “Late Slap”
- “Ears Were Growing”
- “Singular Coincidence”
- “Song For Rachel”
- “Eye On Love”
- “Ribbon”
- “Dark Side”
- “Reiteration”