CUMGIRL8 premieres “ahhhh!hhhh! (i don't wanna go)”

Music news

The erotic consequences of a level of narcissism that only manifests itself with the help of AI.

CUMGIRL8the striking musical project formed by Veronika Vilim, Chase Lombardo, Lida Fox and Avishag Rodrigueshas been known for his innovative approach to experimental and electronic music. Since her debut in 2020, she has explored a variety of styles and concepts. Your new single, “ahhhh!hhhh! (i don't wanna go)”was recently released, notable for its mix of electroclash and intense rhythms. This new track will be included on their long-awaited debut LP, the 8th cummingwhich will be released on October 4th through 4ADpromising an in-depth exploration of cyberfeminism.

“ahhhh!hhhh! (i don't wanna go)” arrives with a music video that combines beats with sweeping bass lines. The visual is directed by Leah Hennessey and presents a surreal narrative with holograms and a hallucinatory perspective on feminism.

We shot the video at 93 Canal, an experimental live broadcast studio in Chinatown, continuing the tradition of public access/pirate broadcasting in the city center. The fictional program Feminist or Feminot is presented by the AI ​​hologram of the collective unconscious perception of second-wave feminist philosopher Susan Sontag (played by myself and actress Roberta Colindrez), who interrogates the band about their particular surrealist sex-positive feminism. “said the band in a press release.

The feminist band are preparing to embark on a tour around the United Kingdom, Europe and North America, where they will bring their electrifying energy to celebrate the release of their debut LP, the 8th cumming. Don't miss the opportunity to meet CUMGIRL8 and save your album here before its release.

Stay tuned for Indie Rocks! for more details.

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Written by

Christopher Johnson

Christopher Johnson is a dedicated writer and key contributor to the WECB website, Emerson College's student-run radio station. Passionate about music, radio communication, and journalism, Christopher pursues his craft with a blend of meticulous research and creative flair. His writings on the site cover an array of subjects, from music reviews and artist interviews to event updates and industry news. As an active member of the Emerson College community, Christopher is not only a writer but also an advocate for student involvement, using his work to foster increased engagement and enthusiasm within the school's radio and broadcasting culture. Through his consistent and high-quality outputs, Christopher Johnson helps shape the voice and identity of WECB, truly embodying its motto of being an inclusive, diverse, and enthusiastic music community.