Crushed By Student Debt Of $385,000, She Is Forced To Juggle 4 Jobs To Make Ends Meet


In the US, student loans can often morph from a means to an education into a financial nightmare, thanks to sometimes astronomical interest rates. It’s not uncommon to find individuals paying off their education loans throughout their lives, leading to some truly desperate and dramatic situations. A prime example of this is the story of Teryca Brooks-Long.

Multiple Jobs to Tackle a Mountain of Debt

Teryca Brooks-Long, a resident of San Antonio, Texas, has found herself in a precarious position due to her student loans. In a June 2022 interview on Caleb Hammer’s YouTube channel, a personal finance advisor, Teryca shared her ordeal. Despite earning a monthly income of $3,500, she’s strapped with repaying a loan amount of $176,000, alongside a staggering $250,000 in interest alone.

Her educational journey at Baylor University in Waco has left her with an immense financial burden, costing her $1,694 monthly just for her student loan repayment. To manage this, Teryca has been juggling four jobs simultaneously. Besides her primary profession as a model and actress, she’s taken up roles as a university enrollment counselor and a real estate assistant among others.

A Million-Dollar Debt Prediction

Caleb Hammer, upon reviewing her financial situation, predicted a debt that could escalate to a million dollars within the next couple of years. He advised Teryca to seek better-paying jobs, cut back on her lifestyle (including dining out), and sell her car for which she had taken out a $13,500 loan. Despite these suggestions, Teryca opted to keep her vehicle.

According to a report by the Daily Mail, which highlighted Teryca’s interview, her three student loans carry a hefty interest rate of 11.75%, explaining the rapid growth of her debt.

A Cautionary Tale

Teryca’s story is a sobering reminder of the student loan crisis many Americans face. It underscores the importance of understanding the long-term implications of loans and the necessity of financial planning. As someone who’s witnessed friends navigate similar challenges, it’s clear that achieving a balance between pursuing education and managing debt requires more than just hard work; it calls for strategic financial decision-making and, at times, tough sacrifices.

Teryca’s relentless effort to manage her debt through multiple jobs is both commendable and a stark illustration of the pressing need for reform in the student loan system. Her story is not just hers alone but resonates with many who find themselves under the crushing weight of educational debts, striving for a semblance of financial freedom.

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Written by

Sarah Jensen

Meet Sarah Jensen, a dynamic 30-year-old American web content writer, whose expertise shines in the realms of entertainment including film, TV series, technology, and logic games. Based in the creative hub of Austin, Texas, Sarah’s passion for all things entertainment and tech is matched only by her skill in conveying that enthusiasm through her writing.