Candice invites Tayc on her new single “Joli Cœur”

Music news

Emblematic candidate for season 11 of “Star Academy”, Candice has just revealed her new single “Joli Cœur”, a duet with singer Tayc. A gentle piece that promises to warm hearts.

A nice Christmas present. After the success of her first single “Fleurs Fanées”, released two months ago, Candice offers her audience a new track “Joli Cœur”, featuring the French star of Afrolove, Tayc.

In this track that they co-wrote, the two artists combine their voices to perfection to deliver a strong message of mutual aid. “If you need comfort / I'm here / Confide again and again / Tell me“, they exchange in a soft and comforting voice.

To prolong the pleasure, Candice and Tayc put into images the lyrics of “Joli Cœur” in a moving clip, broadcast last Friday. Immersed in the Christmas atmosphere, we find the two artists lending an attentive ear to a man, alone, who has lost a loved one.

This video shocked the fans of the one they crowned “RnB princess“.”Thank you Candice for this beautiful message conveyed through this clip, let's take care of each other especially during these holiday periods, we all deserve to be well surrounded“, comments one of them on YouTube. “The clip pierced my heart, we are so proud of you Candice! Finally you fully reveal this artist in you, present from the very beginning; sublimated by the wonderful Tayc, whom I thank infinitely for guiding you“, congratulates another.

Faced with this wave of encouraging comments, the 21-year-old singer wanted to thank her subscribers in an Instagram story last Sunday: “Your feedback on “Joli Cœur” leaves me speechless. Thanks everyone! And in this month of Christmas, let's think about warming our Pretty Hearts. Time passes but the memories remain. So let's create as many as possible.

Candice and Tayc, immediate chemistry

Revealed to the general public during season 11 of “Star Academy”, the young woman from Cannes has never hidden her admiration for Tayc. “He was definitely an artist I listened to in my room. Even for my castings, I sang his songs“, explains Candice in an interview with Popslay.

After being eliminated from the show, she did a live on her social networks during which she performed “Le Temps” by Tayc. “In the minute that followed my live, I saw that he reposted me in his story. And the next day he sent me a message directly to ask me to sign with his label“, she continues, admitting that she does not yet realize what is happening to her.

It's official, Candice is one of the talents of the independent label Good Mood Publishing. A pride shared on social networks. “This talented singer, who has conquered hearts with her authenticity and her sweet and unique voice, is ready to begin a new chapter in her career with us“, the label welcomed on Instagram.

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Written by

Christopher Johnson

Christopher Johnson is a dedicated writer and key contributor to the WECB website, Emerson College's student-run radio station. Passionate about music, radio communication, and journalism, Christopher pursues his craft with a blend of meticulous research and creative flair. His writings on the site cover an array of subjects, from music reviews and artist interviews to event updates and industry news. As an active member of the Emerson College community, Christopher is not only a writer but also an advocate for student involvement, using his work to foster increased engagement and enthusiasm within the school's radio and broadcasting culture. Through his consistent and high-quality outputs, Christopher Johnson helps shape the voice and identity of WECB, truly embodying its motto of being an inclusive, diverse, and enthusiastic music community.