C. Tangana and his controversy in OT, junk work, drugs… in ‘Lo de Évole’: “I have been a pimp and an arrogant person”

Music news

This excessive ambition has led to C. Tangana to Lo de Évole, the interview program that Jordi Évole directs and presents on Sunday nights. A television appearance that It has left very juicy headlines, both musical and personal.

The Madrid native has not shied away from entering into some controversies that have marked his career. Perhaps the most popular would be his performance in Triumph operation a little over 5 years ago where his ‘French-style’ farewell was much commented on. “They had asked me many times to go, but I said I would make music and leave, because I don’t agree with what the program means. They looked for it, because I told them: ‘I’ll go, do the performance and leave’ The song talks about the poison that I have inside. A program like Operación Triunfo is a small trap for that poison. For me, the work was not just the song, but presenting that song with those lyrics in OT, being at that time a rapper” explained the singer.

Évole and the Madrid artist spoke about the meaning of the talent-show: “A person who goes to a program called Operación Triunfo, which is not called ‘Operación Cante’ or ‘Operación Música’, I think it is about success, not about music, art or the artist. That doesn’t mean that David Bisbal is an artist like the top of a pine tree, but the format of the program… And I had the opportunity as an artist to say something about that format and that “It’s what I wanted.”

On a musical level, C. Tangana has made it clear that there is not the slightest possibility of leaving music to turn to his role as a director and that in his latest project he wanted to have had a surprising guest: “I told Extremoduro Robe: ‘I admire you a lot; you write that you freak out’. “It seems to me that the search for Spanish song, which was what I was trying to do, involved someone like him.”

The most personal C. Tangana

Jordi Évole also wanted to touch on the most personal side of ‘Fag‘. They began with his origins and the first rubbish job he had: “What I didn’t like was when the manager came and told me that today was closing and that I would stay taking out papers until twelve at night, peeling myself from the cold. Now that’s what it was. It was suffering. You said you left at three in the morning and then they told you that you left at two, it was really screwed then, not now.”

Like every artist, there could be no shortage of questions about luxuries, lifestyle and partying: “I enjoy it more and it has more to do with the music, but I do like partying and I want to continue liking it and I want to be able to live with her, which now I am not completely capable of. The tour was too much in that sense, I was not able to manage it and I don’t want the party to disappear from my life, because I have always lived with it and I have felt good and now is when I have started to feel bad. (…) You have to be careful. If when you get up the next day you can laugh, everything is fine, but when you no longer laugh… Thinking that it’s not you “the one who decides whether you go out or not, but rather that things happen to you and it is not you who is in control, nor when you go… Not being in control.”

Obviously the party is associated with drugs in a high percentage: “I am in a good moment in my relationship with them, I have never had any real addiction problem to drugs, I have never had an addiction problem to gambling or anything. It is this feeling that the character can dominate me, that the party can dominate me, that worries me. I don’t smoke joints because at the time they blew my mind, they started to make me feel bad, I was paranoid and I felt that the “Jobs opened a window that was never closed again. They opened something that has to do with fear and a slightly paranoid way of being in the world that has never been closed again. And I stopped smoking joints.”

C. Tangana and Rosalía

Obviously, the topic of Rosalía could not be missing from the program. The interviewer wanted to address it from both a personal and professional point of view. The conversation is pure gold:

“I bet who the couple of kids at the beginning of the video You stopped loving me were,” Évole began explaining. “They are nobody in real life,” replied the man from Madrid. “I have never been with Rosalía in that attitude, sharing music on a cell phone on a park bench in Madrid. I think we are not at the same level because her impact has been greater internationally.”

“Rafa Arcaute told me the other day. Anything can happen in life,” Pucho explained about the possibility of a collaboration.


Written by

Christopher Johnson

Christopher Johnson is a dedicated writer and key contributor to the WECB website, Emerson College's student-run radio station. Passionate about music, radio communication, and journalism, Christopher pursues his craft with a blend of meticulous research and creative flair. His writings on the site cover an array of subjects, from music reviews and artist interviews to event updates and industry news. As an active member of the Emerson College community, Christopher is not only a writer but also an advocate for student involvement, using his work to foster increased engagement and enthusiasm within the school's radio and broadcasting culture. Through his consistent and high-quality outputs, Christopher Johnson helps shape the voice and identity of WECB, truly embodying its motto of being an inclusive, diverse, and enthusiastic music community.