A Mexican Buys Cartier Earrings For 28 Euros Instead Of 28,000 Euros And Challenges The Luxury Giant


In a world where a good deal is often hard to find, one Mexican shopper hit the jackpot—or so it seemed—when he purchased a pair of Cartier earrings valued at 28,000 euros for a mere 28 euros due to a pricing error on the luxury brand’s website.

The Unbelievable Discount

Imagine browsing your favorite luxury brand online and stumbling upon a pair of exquisite earrings marked down by 99.9%. That’s exactly what happened to Rogelio Villarreal, a doctor in Mexico, during a casual scroll through Instagram in December. Cartier, known for its opulent jewelry, had listed the earrings at this astonishingly low price by mistake.

The Battle Begins

Initially, Cartier refused to honor the purchase, citing the obvious pricing error. They even refunded Villarreal’s 28 euros and tried to smooth things over with a bottle of champagne and a passport case. However, Villarreal wasn’t looking for compensation; he wanted the earrings. Determined, he took his case to the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco), leading to a four-month legal tussle that captivated onlookers on social media.

David vs. Goliath: The Consumer Wins

Profeco stepped in to mediate, and after several missed conciliation meetings by Cartier representatives, the agency ruled in favor of Villarreal, mandating that Cartier deliver the earrings. Villarreal shared his triumph on the social network X with a post saying “War is over. Cartier complies,” alongside a photo of the earrings nestled in their iconic boxes. His persistence paid off, turning a simple shopping error into a headline-making victory.

Doubts and Scrutiny

Despite the win, some, including right-wing Senator Lilly Téllez, labeled Villarreal as “dishonest.” Another user on X suggested that the earrings should be appraised to ensure they are of the quality one would expect from Cartier, hinting at the possibility that the brand might have produced a lower quality pair in response to the debacle. Villarreal agreed, stating, “Of course, I will have them appraised. I don’t think the brand would take such a risk.”

The Takeaway

This incident isn’t just a curious case of consumer rights; it’s a narrative on the power dynamics between large corporations and consumers. It serves as a reminder that in the digital age, transparency and customer relations are paramount, and even giants like Cartier are not above the law. As consumers, it’s comforting to know that there are mechanisms in place to protect our interests, turning what could have been a dismissible error into a significant statement about consumer rights.

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Written by

Sarah Jensen

Meet Sarah Jensen, a dynamic 30-year-old American web content writer, whose expertise shines in the realms of entertainment including film, TV series, technology, and logic games. Based in the creative hub of Austin, Texas, Sarah’s passion for all things entertainment and tech is matched only by her skill in conveying that enthusiasm through her writing.