A Landlord Makes A Radical And Original Decision To Punish A Tenant Who Doesn’t Pay The Rent


In the small town of Forbach, Moselle, a landlord decided to take a stand in a rather unconventional way against a tenant who had been skipping out on rent payments. He chose to remove the windows from the rental property, a drastic measure that underscores the lengths to which some property owners will go when pushed to their limits by non-paying tenants.

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

Dealing with tenants who fail to pay rent is a challenge many landlords face. The bureaucratic process to resolve such issues can often be complex and time-consuming. In response, some property owners resort to unconventional methods to enforce payment. While we’re not talking about forceful eviction, these creative, albeit somewhat underhanded, tactics can sometimes be surprisingly effective.

This particular landlord in Forbach had been dealing with a tenant – in this case, an association that provides housing solutions for vulnerable individuals – that hadn’t paid rent since December 2021. Despite his efforts to recover the owed rent, including reaching out to the government agency subsidizing the association, he found no resolution. “I haven’t received a penny in eight months. I’ve contacted all services, including the state that subsidizes the association, but to no avail. My payment orders are always contested, and thus, the eviction process is constantly delayed,” the frustrated landlord shared.

The Tenant Claims Righteousness

The association, for its part, argues that the non-payment is justified. They claim the landlord had committed to carrying out necessary repairs on the property, which he never did. “We’re not bad payers, but essential work needs to be done. We’re within our rights. A legal process is underway, and the courts will decide,” explained the deputy director of the association.

The landlord asserts that he had the roof and heating system redone. However, on July 8th, he took the dramatic step of removing the windows, insisting he was waiting for the delivery of new ones. At the time, only one person was living in the house, and notably, the window of this individual’s room was the only one the landlord chose to leave intact.

A Unique Approach to Landlord-Tenant Disputes

This story from Forbach offers a glimpse into the extreme measures some landlords will consider to deal with non-paying tenants. While this drastic action of removing windows to enforce rent payment is certainly out of the ordinary, it highlights the ongoing challenges and frustrations landlords often face in navigating tenant relations, especially when communication breaks down and legal recourse seems endless.

As this situation unfolds, it serves as a reminder of the importance of clear agreements, timely repairs, and open lines of communication between landlords and tenants. While the courts will ultimately decide the outcome of this particular dispute, one can’t help but wonder if there might have been a more amicable solution to be found before the windows came out.

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Written by

Sarah Jensen

Meet Sarah Jensen, a dynamic 30-year-old American web content writer, whose expertise shines in the realms of entertainment including film, TV series, technology, and logic games. Based in the creative hub of Austin, Texas, Sarah’s passion for all things entertainment and tech is matched only by her skill in conveying that enthusiasm through her writing.