A Brit Catches An Electric Blue Lobster, A One In Two Million Chance


On a seemingly ordinary Tuesday, February 7th, the ocean decided to unveil one of its many mysteries to Stuart Brown, a 28-year-old fisherman from Bangor, Northern Ireland. While pulling up his nets near the Black Head lighthouse, a spot beloved by local anglers, Stuart encountered a spectacle that would make this day unforgettable. Among the usual catch of “standard” lobsters, one creature stood out with its electric blue color, turning an ordinary fishing trip into a moment Stuart would never forget.

“A One in Two Million Chance”

Stuart’s initial reaction to discovering the blue lobster in his net was one of sheer surprise. Lobsters, while varying in shades, typically range from browns to deep reds, but an electric blue lobster? That was something Stuart had never expected to see. “There are lobsters that have a different color. They are a bit more brown or more red, just a bit different, but not to the extreme,” Stuart shared with the BBC.

Electric Blue Lobster

Curious about the rarity of his find, Stuart turned to Google, only to learn that capturing an electric blue lobster was a one in two million occurrence. Realizing the significance of his catch, he didn’t miss the opportunity to snap a photo with his smartphone before releasing the lobster back into the sea. This encounter with the blue lobster quickly became one of the “weird and wonderful” things Stuart has experienced on the water.

Electric Blue Lobster
A Brit Catches An Electric Blue Lobster, A One In Two Million Chance

The Science Behind the Blue Hue

Scientists explain that the electric blue coloration of this lobster is due to a rare genetic anomaly. This anomaly affects the way the lobster’s shell produces and reflects color, resulting in the vibrant blue appearance rather than the typical shades of green and brown seen in most lobsters.

Stuart’s discovery is a reminder of the ocean’s capacity to surprise and enchant us with its inhabitants’ diversity and beauty. While the blue lobster is back in the waters, its brief encounter with Stuart serves as a testament to the wonders that lie beneath the waves, many of which are waiting to be discovered by those who venture out to sea.

Electric Blue Lobster

As for Stuart, his rare find not only provided him with an incredible story to share but also a renewed sense of awe for the mysteries of the ocean. It’s encounters like these that underscore the vastness of the natural world and the small, yet significant, surprises it holds for us.

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Written by

Sarah Jensen

Meet Sarah Jensen, a dynamic 30-year-old American web content writer, whose expertise shines in the realms of entertainment including film, TV series, technology, and logic games. Based in the creative hub of Austin, Texas, Sarah’s passion for all things entertainment and tech is matched only by her skill in conveying that enthusiasm through her writing.