A $ ap relli testified in court against $ ap rocky
A $ ap relli testified in court in court against $ ap Rocky.
“The gun aimed at me,” said Reli.
A $ ap Rocky is accused of aggression with a semi -automatic firearm with which he would have shot his former friend, at $ ap relli, in 2021. It risks up to 24 years in prison, if sentenced.
During the first day of the trial that sees $ ap Rocky accused, a video of the dispute took place between Rocky and Reli was shown, in which the rapper is seen with what seems to be a firearm. Rocky's lawyers claim that it was a fake gun. The police, who searched the scene, did not find any bullet envelope, but Relli, the next day, brought two casing of bullets to the police and said he had found them on the scene when he returned an hour after the accident .
These bullets, according to the relationship that emerged in the classroom and published by TMZ, would be compatible with 9 mm guns, including a Glock 43.
And when Rocky's house was perquised in 2022, a 9 mm charger was found, full of six bullets.
A $ ap Rocky said that the gun with which it was seen is only a stage object. Declaration that will be confirmed by A $ AP Twelvyy. Twelvyy, together with the tour manager Lou Levin, is ready to say that the rapper often brought a gun because “he was the victim of previous violence and domestic invasions by Stalker”.
The defense claims that at $ ap relli tried to extort money in Rocky and that he had already sued him in a civil case for the accident, asking for $ 30 million.
Rocky's story relating to the clash with Relli is that Reli was attacking at $ ap illz, and that Rocky shot several times for legitimate defense.
Public ministries tell a different story: Relli went to a meeting with Rocky expecting to smooth out their differences, but, after a violent discussion, Rocky took the gun and shot him.
It must be said that the process started after $ ap Rocky refused to negotiate.
If he had declared himself guilty of one of the two accusations, he would have had 180 days in prison, a suspended sentence of seven years, three years of supervised freedom and 500 hours of service to the community.
According to TMZ, he would have refused the plea bargain because if he had accepted him “he would not have been able to go on tour and his career would be over.”
While according to the defense, the rapper refused the agreement “because he is innocent.”