Luchè says he witnessed a murder at the age of 9


Luchè says he witnessed a murder at the age of 9

Guest on Luca Casadei’s One More Time podcast, Luchè indulged in a series of rather intimate stories. He spoke about his childhood lived in the difficult neighborhoods of Naples, his love for music and in particular for rap, from his beginnings with the Co’Sang group to his solo career, also commenting on the controversial dissing he had with Salmo which animated and enraged the web and the fan bases. And again the tiring relationship with managing anxiety, with women and the fear of loneliness, difficulties that often influence his choices.

A complicated childhood lived in the suburbs of Naples and also marked by the separation of his parents «I grew up in the Marianella neighborhood, near Secondigliano, which at the time was all countryside. The first buildings were being built, little did we know that it would become the suburb known for the reasons everyone knows. My parents are cultured people, they are teachers, my mother also got a second degree as a doctor. This was my luck because I grew up in the years of the ferocity of the Neapolitan suburbs. I was an extremely difficult child to control, I was exuberant. My parents didn’t have a great relationship with each other; in fact, they separated when I was 14/15 years old».

Growing up he witnessed dangerous events that remained indelible in his memory «I start hanging out with the kids in the neighborhood. I started experiencing things that shocked me, things that aroused a mix of emotions inside me, on the one hand they made me proud and on the other they seemed extreme to me. I was part of the dynamic, I didn’t judge, I participated with my presence. I saw my first murder when I was 9 years old, I didn’t feel anything. There was this huge crowd around this bar, this long streak of blood going from behind the cash counter to the sidewalk». And he adds «I once witnessed an ambush,we were there talking and shots were heard, I saw this scooter running against traffic and this boy crying, I remember there were a hundred teenagers all running in the same direction and we stopped in a circle around this person on the ground And from there my urge to tell these things in rap was born. I said “how come these 12/13 year olds have to see something like that. How is it possible that our reality is so extreme?”.

Having experienced an extreme situation firsthand: «I was 18 years old. This guy put the gun on my head, but he didn’t shoot. We argued over something trivial. We didn’t leave, I was in the car with some friends and then they came back, they had obviously gone to get the gun, when he saw us he cut us off and we were forced to brake. We tried to get out but they kicked us back into the car and with the handle of the gun he broke all the glass on me, I had pieces of glass everywhere and he loaded the gun into my head, but he didn’t shoot me. From there I became nastier, because a week later we went to pick him up with some guys who were armed, we were under his door and he cleverly went up onto the terrace and went down to the other side of the complex and then took us from behind and fortunately for him, after a heated discussion it ended there. The thing that struck me was that one of the people who had come with us looked at him and said “next time shoot».

Regarding the Co’Sang and Ntó in particular, Luchè declared

«We no longer get along with Ntò from a personal point of view. Different visions, different lifestyles. I no longer have any grudges, it remains the most important collaboration I’ve ever done, the most important page for me, for him and I think for many Italian rap fans. Let’s say we decided together, the public then blamed me because perhaps I have always been the most outspoken and extravagant. I have been, and perhaps still am, among the most hated Italian rappers online».

While on the dissing with Salmo…

«These feuds hurt, I’m sure it wasn’t a pleasant thing for him either. Of course they give a boost of visibility and promotion, but they bring a lot of negativity. So what’s left? The offense remains, the teasing. Today I would shake his hand, without discussing it, because for me there is little to say. However, what has been said remains, everyone has their own opinion. I wouldn’t be ready to have a friendship with a person who allowed himself to say things about me, as I said about him, but the lesson for me was that it was just entertainment for the public, a situation that did nothing but divide the masses. This artistic effort of mine and his was not appreciated, only this great negativity arose among the fan bases who did nothing but insult each other. I realized that I don’t need it right now and I would never want to find myself in a situation like that again. Childish insults arose, supported by even more childish comments.”


Written by

Christopher Johnson

Christopher Johnson is a dedicated writer and key contributor to the WECB website, Emerson College's student-run radio station. Passionate about music, radio communication, and journalism, Christopher pursues his craft with a blend of meticulous research and creative flair. His writings on the site cover an array of subjects, from music reviews and artist interviews to event updates and industry news. As an active member of the Emerson College community, Christopher is not only a writer but also an advocate for student involvement, using his work to foster increased engagement and enthusiasm within the school's radio and broadcasting culture. Through his consistent and high-quality outputs, Christopher Johnson helps shape the voice and identity of WECB, truly embodying its motto of being an inclusive, diverse, and enthusiastic music community.