SANREMO 2024 – BIG MAMA: there must always be a message in my songs

Music news

BigMama will participate in the 74th edition of the Sanremo Festival with the song Anger is not enough for you.

A song that is a dedication to little Marianna (Marianna Mammone is Big Mama’s real name) and a universal message that doesn’t have just one name.

Bullying, violence, inner darkness, but also strength and redemption: an invitation to seek courage and strength in the projection and in the idea you have of yourself, not in the words of others. “If you get lost, follow me”

23 years old, born in a small village in the province of Avellino, BigMama raps with her unique and masterful flow on a series of very current issues that affect many kids today and that she herself has experienced first-hand, and she does it in her own way . “If you want to dance, dance, you can’t disappear”, the song alternates the strength of rap with the freedom of dance, and deliberately creates a short circuit between the immediacy of the riff and the depth of the lyrics, to find in the darkness of one’s solitude, when the night is an enemy, the courage not to stand still, to move forward.

“Anger is not enough for you” is written by BigMama. Inside we find some melodies composed by the artist Maria Lodovica Lazzerini, the piece is produced by Enrico Brun and Enrico Botta.



The tests went well. I was very afraid.
Of course I cried as soon as the violins started playing.
That was the moment of true satisfaction. The rehearsals made me understand that I deserve this place on the Sanremo stage!!!


For me it is important to have a strong message to convey in my songs, a message as a woman.
I always have to say something intelligent because I want to use words.
The song closes a bit of a circle of revenge.
The message is to never be afraid and always believe in yourself in the things you want to do.
If you want to do something, do it, look to your future.
If they tell you you can’t do it because you’re fat, because you’re a woman, because you’re queer… do it anyway!

I’m happy to bring this message to a stage like Sanremo

I say what I want to say, without being afraid of saying uncomfortable things.
I want to be true in music. I’m not afraid of being misunderstood. I say what I think and that’s it.


It scares me, obviously. It’s a week where everyone is on you. But it doesn’t matter. I feel ready. My biggest fear is not having my needs met.
I’m afraid of disappointing myself. I’m studying a lot and preparing a lot.


I listen to a lot of music but not much favorites. I don’t have a real reference that I wanted to follow.
The song was a very quick session. We did it in one day.

I don’t usually take inspiration from anyone. I’m going a bit random!!!


To choose the cover I went to Youtube and started looking for iconic pieces from my adolescence.
I looked at the songs with more women and as soon as I saw “Lady Marmalade” I said that’s her!!!
It was difficult to find three young girls who were perfect for this.
In the end we chose La Niña, Gaia and Sissi which are perfect!
I wanted to bring young girls like me, because I wanted to bring this message.


When I was a teenager I loved Katy Perry and One Direction. One day my brother forced me to go to a Salmo and Clementino rap concert.
After that concert everything changed, I threw One Direction in the bin and became Salmo’s number one fan!

As for Italian singers, I have always loved redheads: Fiorella Mannoia, Noemi and Annalisa. I used to do karaoke with their songs and I have all their records!!!


When I was very young I responded to hate with hate. At the beginning I was very angry, I was very rough and I took this anger out on myself.
Over time I discovered that all that anger didn’t help me feel better.
Anger is not enough for me…
I transformed all the negative energies that came to me into positive energy.
When I started to understand that I was beautiful for who I was and not how they saw me, I changed my view of myself.



Written by

Christopher Johnson

Christopher Johnson is a dedicated writer and key contributor to the WECB website, Emerson College's student-run radio station. Passionate about music, radio communication, and journalism, Christopher pursues his craft with a blend of meticulous research and creative flair. His writings on the site cover an array of subjects, from music reviews and artist interviews to event updates and industry news. As an active member of the Emerson College community, Christopher is not only a writer but also an advocate for student involvement, using his work to foster increased engagement and enthusiasm within the school's radio and broadcasting culture. Through his consistent and high-quality outputs, Christopher Johnson helps shape the voice and identity of WECB, truly embodying its motto of being an inclusive, diverse, and enthusiastic music community.