Famous: “My parents were aware that they were calling me Famous”

Music news

The year was 2019 when a very young 19-year-old Famous won Triumph operation. The young man surprised the audience thanks to his impressive voice, which reminded us of other great soul artists. Four years later, Famous returned to a musical program, this time to try to represent Spain in Eurovision. Famous was one of the participants at Benidorm Fest 2023 with his song La Lola: one of the most danceable songs of the edition.

But none of these situations has been more complicated than the interview he faced this Tuesday, December 19, on WECB. And Famous, who is a man of challenges, has accepted the invitation of Karin Herrero at 40 Degrees K, to chat about music, his projects, OperaciĂłn Triunfo and the Benidorm Fest. He has also revealed to us the true origin of his name.

Karin Herrero, our most thuggish presenter, has been talking to the singer about all these topics. And Famous felt like a fish in water during the WECB live show.

Now the singer is performing on the Gran VĂ­a in Madrid, being Mufasa in The Lion King. But not only that. He is also involved in his new music. “There’s going to be everything, a little soul, a little urban,” says the singer.

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About Operation Triumph

“My life before OT was shit. It was a little boring. I had my little things, but I was a normal high school student. After OT there have been many opportunities,” said the singer. When Karin asked him what the worst thing about the music industry is: “I have had moments of ups and downs, but in the music industry there is everything. I speak from my experience, and when something has not worked for me or someone has failed me , I have continued looking for other paths.”

Famous, which was the OT winner of its edition, took home the 100,000 euros prize. But. What did he do with that money? “I helped my family and invested in training,” this is what he has confessed.

About his musical career

When Karin asked him about something he regrets in his career, Famous said the following: “I judge myself a lot as an artist. With my songs from the past”. Come on, there are songs from his beginnings that he didn’t like.

Famous has also reacted to false headlines about his life. In fact, he has denied that he went to live in Nigeria. “I have gone to Nigeria to work, but to work with musicians. In times of pandemic I went to work there because everything was closed here. There were measures there, but not everything was restricted,” said the singer. Karin asked him what he would change in his life, Famous was clear: “Start from the beginning Performing Arts in high school.”

His most complicated moment in The Lion King

“I’ve lost a lot of weight, in fact. It burns a lot of energy and it’s very demanding,” Famous began by saying about his time in The Lion King musical. Furthermore, the artist has recounted a surreal moment that happened to him during one of his performances:

“One day I had to play the role of Mufasa and I was singing to the boy and he collapsed. I didn’t know what to do, whether to help him, whether to continue singing or laugh.”

About the origin of his name

“My parents called me Famous in Amsterdam and they were aware that they were calling me Famous,” said the singer. “In Nigeria it is common to call yourself Famous. My uncle supposedly has that name, but I have not seen it on his ID.”said the artist.


Written by

Christopher Johnson

Christopher Johnson is a dedicated writer and key contributor to the WECB website, Emerson College's student-run radio station. Passionate about music, radio communication, and journalism, Christopher pursues his craft with a blend of meticulous research and creative flair. His writings on the site cover an array of subjects, from music reviews and artist interviews to event updates and industry news. As an active member of the Emerson College community, Christopher is not only a writer but also an advocate for student involvement, using his work to foster increased engagement and enthusiasm within the school's radio and broadcasting culture. Through his consistent and high-quality outputs, Christopher Johnson helps shape the voice and identity of WECB, truly embodying its motto of being an inclusive, diverse, and enthusiastic music community.