Gaspard Royant returns to the Capital

Music news

French singer Gaspard Royant unveils a new single entitled “Come Back To Paris”. Find out now!

The old school pop dandy Gaspard Royant is back for the holidays with a new single titled “Come Back To Paris”. He was responsible for producing the clip, available via the player below:

“Come Back to Paris” is the first unreleased single signed Gaspard Royant since the release of The Real Thinghis latest album to date, released in 2022. Including the tracks “The Real Thing”, “MAN”, “Mountain of Regrets” and even “Cursed”, this disc marks an artistic turning point in the singer’s career.

The Real Thing is available

Here is the tracklist:

  1. To The Stars
  2. The Real Thing
  3. MAN
  4. Message Of Love
  5. Cursed
  6. More
  7. We Wanted The World
  8. A Living From The Dead
  9. Mountain Of Regrets
  10. In The Shade

Written by

Christopher Johnson

Christopher Johnson is a dedicated writer and key contributor to the WECB website, Emerson College's student-run radio station. Passionate about music, radio communication, and journalism, Christopher pursues his craft with a blend of meticulous research and creative flair. His writings on the site cover an array of subjects, from music reviews and artist interviews to event updates and industry news. As an active member of the Emerson College community, Christopher is not only a writer but also an advocate for student involvement, using his work to foster increased engagement and enthusiasm within the school's radio and broadcasting culture. Through his consistent and high-quality outputs, Christopher Johnson helps shape the voice and identity of WECB, truly embodying its motto of being an inclusive, diverse, and enthusiastic music community.