MARLENE KUNTZ for the 30 years of “Catartica” two event concerts (Info and Tickets)

Music news

On May 13, 1994, “Catartica” was released, Marlene Kuntz’s debut album, destined to become a true milestone in the history of Italian music.

On the occasion of the celebration of 30 years of the album’s release, the band announces two event concerts: March 14th in Milan and March 15th in Rome.


Cathartica has undoubtedly had the merit of leaving an indelible mark on our musical panorama.
With the excellent production of Lega e Maroccolo (CCCP and CSI) for the newly formed independent label of the time Consorzio Produttori Indipendenti, the 14 memorable songs that make up the album were the answer to the irrepressible hunger for a different sound that the Italian public suffered from of the early 90s, thanks to the American and English models who at the time were churning out grunge and hardcore bands of the caliber of Nirvana and Pearl Jam.

Cathartica turns 30 in 2024. You could say ‘it seems like yesterday’, but in reality it seems like what it is: that is, 30 years have passed, and we Marlene are aware of how many things have been done in this period of time which has lasted as long as it has lasted, and which means that the times of Cathartica seem distant to us, but in reality they are equally close to us.”, comments Cristiano Godano.

At the opening of Festa Mesta I wrote ‘Congratulations for the party, a fucking party’. It is not really difficult to translate spatially and temporally to the present day that anger resulting from the existential anxieties of a provincial young man, bending the meaning of the words to something that can well describe the terrible situation of our contemporary world.

Because it is a very bad party to which we have been invited by the passage of time, and humanity seems to be taking a risky turn, one that is now under the eyes of many. The world is burning, says a song from our latest album, Karma Clima, at a certain point, and the fucking party we were invited to is the image that illustrates this statement well.

Is there still anyone who doesn’t feel the many distortions we are facing? Everyone may have their own ideas in identifying the causes of all this and we have ours, but the consequences seem to be the same for everyone: turbulence, anger, disillusionment, disappointment, discouragement, progressive overturning of the values ​​we thought we could give for granted.

And if the causes can be very different depending on the point of view, the incompetences, the counter-narratives, the mystifications, and the various bullshit that people are suffering unite the majority in an exhausted feeling.

Congrats on the party! A fucking party.”

Catartica was the first Italian album to satisfy this hunger for change, thus marking a completely new path in independent rock and significantly renewing the music scene of our country.

Cathartica is the musical manifesto of the band that immediately set things straight: guitar lines that then inspired countless bands to follow, a sound that immediately became an absolute symbol of that musical decade and a songwriting that, until then , had never been heard of before. Godano’s refined poetics hurt everyone immediately: unusual terms, a very verbose and fascinatingly poetic narrative full of imaginative images and anti-social lyrics that gave life to indelible phrases that have become cult. A raw and direct language, in short, which describes, without ever trivializing, the modern life of the time, but which is tremendously current.

Cathartica was, and still is, an epochal album, imbued with an energetic, abrasive and at the same time melodic rock that was able to mark an era forever and which is destined to remain indelibly in the heads and hearts of who has listened to him and who will listen to him.
Not only a milestone in the history of Italian music but also in the career of Marlene Kuntz. Starting 30 years ago with the publication of Catartica, after 11 studio albums, 4 live albums, 8 collections, 2 soundtracks, 1 gold record, 1 documentary film, countless tours in Italy and abroad, Karma Clima arrives , the project that combines art and sustainability and the band’s latest recording.


Cristiano Godano, Luca Lagash, Riccardo Tesio, Davide Arneodo and Sergio Carnevale will make us relive “in free flight over the years gone by” all the power of that period which made their history and that of Italian rock.



Click to purchase tickets


ph: marlene-kuntz-2023 – credits: Simone Cargnoni


Written by

Christopher Johnson

Christopher Johnson is a dedicated writer and key contributor to the WECB website, Emerson College's student-run radio station. Passionate about music, radio communication, and journalism, Christopher pursues his craft with a blend of meticulous research and creative flair. His writings on the site cover an array of subjects, from music reviews and artist interviews to event updates and industry news. As an active member of the Emerson College community, Christopher is not only a writer but also an advocate for student involvement, using his work to foster increased engagement and enthusiasm within the school's radio and broadcasting culture. Through his consistent and high-quality outputs, Christopher Johnson helps shape the voice and identity of WECB, truly embodying its motto of being an inclusive, diverse, and enthusiastic music community.