James Howells’ relentless search for a hard drive containing a fortune in Bitcoin worth 742 million euros has finally come to an end. After over a decade of efforts, obstacles, and dreams of striking it rich, Howells has officially abandoned his quest. The story of his lost digital fortune is one of cryptocurrency gone awry, fatal mistakes, and mountains of trash.
A Digital Fortune Buried Under Tons of Waste

The saga begins more than twelve years ago, back when Bitcoin was still a niche investment, largely unnoticed by the mainstream. James Howells, a Welsh computer technician, was one of those early adopters. In the early days, when Bitcoin’s value was next to nothing, he purchased 8,000 Bitcoins, holding onto them in the hope that they might be worth something someday.
What he didn’t foresee was how the value of Bitcoin would skyrocket. Over time, Howells forgot about his hard drive, only to make a catastrophic error in 2013. He accidentally threw away the hard drive containing his precious Bitcoin. At that time, the loss was devastating—around 8 million euros worth of Bitcoin, sent to the municipal dump in Newport, South Wales. Fast forward to today, with Bitcoin’s meteoric rise in value, and that once-modest fortune would now be worth 742 million euros, buried under thousands of tons of waste. What started as a dream has turned into a never-ending nightmare.
The Quest to Recover the Lost Fortune
Determined to recover his digital wealth, Howells launched what can only be described as a crusade. His plan was ambitious: to search the landfill for the small but valuable hard drive, buried deep beneath approximately 10,000 to 15,000 tons of trash. However, his mission was met with significant resistance from local authorities, who consistently denied his requests to dig through the landfill, citing environmental and health concerns.
While these concerns were grounded in reality, the legal framework didn’t help Howells’ case. Under UK pollution control laws, any waste delivered to a landfill becomes the property of the site. Worse still, excavating the area where the hard drive might be buried could release toxic substances into the environment, endangering both public health and the local ecosystem. Howells never received the necessary permits to proceed with his ambitious excavation plan, which included using drones, robots, and specialized teams to methodically sift through the waste over a 2,000-square-meter area.
A Judge Puts an End to 12 Years of Hope
The long-running saga of James Howells and his quest for the lost Bitcoin has finally drawn to a close. In 2024, a British judge ruled that Howells had “no realistic chance” of success. The decision was based on two main factors: the environmental risks associated with the excavation and the statute of limitations. More than six years had passed since the hard drive was originally thrown away, making any legal action impossible.
For Howells, this ruling was a devastating blow. Despite his persistent efforts over the years to convince local authorities to let him proceed with the search, he was unable to gain permission to carry out his plan. His vision, which seemed almost straight out of a Hollywood movie, involved assembling an extensive team to meticulously sort through waste. And the potential payoff was immense: if he found the hard drive, he would have regained a fortune—worth the gamble.
Facing the final rejection, Howells expressed his frustration with the British judicial system. He claimed the system had failed to take his case seriously, arguing that it wasn’t just about the money. It was a matter of principle, of justice, and of giving his “crazy dream” a chance to come true. But despite his passion, the judge’s pragmatic decision marked the end of the road for him.
The End of the Road
In the end, the practical realities were insurmountable: the logistics, the environmental concerns, and even the fragility of the hard drive itself. Even if Howells had somehow miraculously located the drive, the chances of it still functioning after years of exposure to the elements were slim.
Thus, James Howells walks away empty-handed, his dreams of riches forever buried beneath the heaps of refuse in the Newport landfill. While his tale is certainly one of the most bizarre stories to emerge from the world of cryptocurrency, it serves as a reminder of how fleeting fortune can be—and how easy it is to lose it all in the digital age.