When one of the original heavy-metal cadors revisited Beatles, Stones, Kinks and many others a priori closer to his universe, We do better than stretch the ear. Interview with Saxon
There is something unchanging with the albums of covers and this suspicion that surrounds them: trace of a lack of glaring inspiration and – more or less – passenger according to some, a guarantee of a contract with a label to honor at a lower effort for others. But as in any rule, you need exceptions, and we hold a beautiful with Saxonvenerable survivor of what was called at the edge of the 80s the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, “Congregation” where it was good to collect the Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Diamond Head, Tygers of Pan Tang and many other angry young people.
At the end, saxon? This would make your forehead laugh more than graying well Biff byford If he had time and that we seem almost disturbed for a conversation from this studio where he refines a solo album with his son and while the group's next album – the 24th on the clock – is already scheduled for the early 2022. “I am so lucky that my voice is still holding up and that she never seems to feel better as soon as she is close to a microphone, laughs the one who blew her 70 candles in the last mid-January.
“The other major element was that everyone is happy, that everything is done while retaining a certain instantaneity. »»
Yes, therefore, saxon resumes Led Zeppelin on Inspirationsalbum whose title indicates more clearly than a long speech or a long rattle the intentions of the spawners. Led Zeppelin, but also Rolling Stones (“Paint it black”), the Beatles (“Paperback Writer”), Motörhead (“Bomber”), Deep Purple (“Speed ​​king”), Jimi Hendrix (“Stone Free”), Thin Lizzy (“The Rocker”), Toto (“Hold The Line”), AC/DC (“Problem child”) or The Kinks (“See My Friends”). “Whether it is a guitar sound, themes addressed in the texts, a line of conduct or their discipline, all have played a role in what we are and how we have become, individually as a musicians and collectively as a group, explains Sieur Byford.
It is in particular for this reason that the recordings in this old British building of Brockfield Hall not far from York – hosting the biggest collection of works by impressionist artists from Yorkshire – focused on ten days and that our man did not insist too much when other choices that were close to him (“vacant” of the sex pistols) success. “” “Anyway, if it had only been me, we might still be there, adds our Master Gosier. We could also have done cream, great funk railroad, etc. Or even go back further… ”
Like this “Hang on Sloopy”, a popular confectionery at will of the McCoys in the middle of the sixties that Byford quoted as one of his teenage “crackers” in his autobiography Never Surrender (Tonnerre Heavy Metal at home, reference to one of the group songs of the group) almost fifteen years ago? “It would surely have given something strange, but it shouldn't have been trying for too long …”
InspirationsSaxon's new album, available for listening everywhere. Buy/listen.